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张骏,1990年生,苏州大学优秀青年学者讲师。20149月于英国利兹大学化学学院获理学硕士学位,20195月于澳大利亚迪肯大学先进材料研究院获工学博士学位,师从王训该教授。20186月至20216月于澳大利亚迪肯大学工程学院从事博士后研究工作,师从澳大利亚工程院院士karen hapgood教授。留学期间曾赴美国北卡罗来纳州立大学瑞士西北应用科大学英国曼彻斯特大学进行学术访问并开展相关课题合作研究20217月就职于苏州大学纺织与服装工程学院目前以第一/通讯作者身份已发表sci检索论文8篇(3top),主持1项迪肯大学青年基金作为主要参与人参与澳大利亚研究理事会(arc)科学研究项目以及国际精细颗粒组织资助的工业项目(总研究经费400万元)。多次在国际重要学术会议上作学术报告, 包括cams, apicam, aiche, silk conference, select bio等。



丝蛋白基生物医药材料,3d 打印材料研发,仿生精密结构成型与制造,拓扑结构,粉体工程 





2016年迪肯大学先进材料研究three minute thesis” 演讲比赛第一名



1. 2020.02-2020.12,迪肯大学青年基金,2.5万元,主持

2. 2018.06-2021.06,澳大利亚研究理事会(arc)学术项目 “perfect particles: accurate breakage predictions by 3d printing of granules” 295万元,主要参与

3. 2018.06-2021.06,国际精细颗粒组织(ifpri)工业项目 “3d printing of perfect particles” 117万元,主要参与



1. zhang, j., allardyce, b. j., rajkhowa, r., wang, x., & liu, x. (2020). 3d printing of silk powder by binder jetting technique. additive manufacturing, 101820. (if:11.0, 一区top)

2. vyas, c.*, zhang, j.*, øvrebø, ø., huang, b., roberts, i., setty, m., benjamin, a., håvard, h., rangam, r., & paulo, b., (2020), 3d printing of silk micro particle reinforced polycaprolactone scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. materials science and engineering: c, 111433. (if:7.3, 一区top, 共一)

3. zhang, j., allardyce, b. j., rajkhowa, r., kalita, s., dilley, r. j., wang, x., & liu, x. (2019). silk particles, microfibres and nanofibres: a comparative study of their functions in 3d printing hydrogel scaffolds. materials science and engineering: c, 109784. (if:7.3, 一区top)

4. zhang, j., tuohey, j., amini, n., morton, d. a., & hapgood, k. p. (2021). liquid imbibition into 3d printed porous substrates. chemical engineering science, 116967.

5. zhang, j., amini, n., morton, d. a., & hapgood, k. p. (2021). 3d printing with particles as feedstock materials. advanced powder technology.

6. zhang, j., amini, n., morton, d. a., & hapgood, k. p. (2020). binder jetting of well-controlled powder agglomerates for breakage studies. advanced powder technology.

7. zhang, j., amini, n., morton, d. a., & hapgood, k. p. (2020). 3d printing of tuneable agglomerates: strain distribution and effect of internal flaws. advanced powder technology.

8. zhang, j., allardyce b., rajkhowa r., zhao y., dilley r, redmond s, wang x. liu x., 3d printing of silk particle-reinforced chitosan hydrogel structures and their proper ties (2018), acs biomater. sci. eng., 4 (8), pp 3036–3046.

9. antic, a., zhang j, amini n., morton, d. a., & hapgood, k. p. (2021). screening pharmaceutical excipient powders for use in commercial 3d binder jetting printers. advanced powder technology.

10. zolfagharian a., kaynak a., khoo s., zhang j., nahavandi s. and kouzani a. (2019). control-oriented modelling of a 3d-printed soft actuator, materials, 12(1), 71.





