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孙哲硕士生导师202106月于四川大学轻工科学与工程学院获工学博士学位,202111就职于苏州大学纺织与服装工程学院。目前已发表学术论文20余篇,sci收录10余篇,授权发明专利7项;主持江苏省高校自然科学基金面上项目、企业横向项目等多项。参研国家、省部级项目多项,作为项目骨干承担了“十三五”国家重点研发(2017yfb0308600)和山东省重点研发(2019jzzy010355)项目中多项聚氨酯材料的研究及开发工作,同时完成多项企业横向项目对接和产业化。担任sci期刊polymersif4.97)客座编辑、《印染》杂志青年编委;兼任progressin organic coatings, journalof leather scienceand engineering等多个国际期刊审稿人。












2018.11~2019.11 一种无溶剂型聚氨酯-有机硅涂层材料的制备及其性能研究,研究生创新项目,已结题,主持;




1. sun zhe, ren song, wu tong, wen jiating, fang jian*, fan haojun*. a self-matting waterborne polyurethane coating for pvc artificial leather. polymers, 2023, 15: 127. if4.97

2. sun zhe, wen jiating, guan jinping, fan haojun*, fang jian*, chen yi, wang wenkai, gao qiang. preparation, mechanical and thermal properties of polydimethylsiloxane coating for synthetic leathers. journal of coatings technology and research, 2022, 19(6): 1743-1755.

3. sun zhe, wen jiating, wang wenkai, fan haojun*, chen yi, yan jun, xiang jun. a reactive compatibilizer for polydimethylsiloxane-polyurethane composite coating. progress in organic coatings, 2021, 152: 106118. if6.20,一区top

4. sun zhe, wen jiating, xu chengping, wang wenkai, fan haojun*, chen yi, xiang jun. modification of two-package polyurethane by polyethersiloxanediol for non-polar substrate coating. chemical physics letters, 2021, 779: 138878.

5. sun zhe, wen jiating, wang wenkai, fan haojun*, chen yi, yan jun, xiang jun. polyurethane covalently modified polydimethylsiloxane (pdms) coating with increased surface energy and re-coatability. progress in organic coatings, 2020, 146: 105744. if6.20,一区top

6. sun zhe, fan haojun*, chen yi, huang junjiang. synthesis of self-matting waterborne polyurethane coatings with excellent transmittance. polymer international, 2018, 67(1): 78-84.

7. 孙哲, 任松, 方剑, 范浩军*, 高强. 氟硅改性无溶剂聚氨酯涂层的制备及性能研究. 皮革科学与工程, 2023, 33(1): 16-21.

8. 孙哲, 何亚州, 范浩军*, 颜俊. 石墨烯/聚氨酯复合涂饰剂的制备及性能研究. 皮革科学与工程, 2016, 26(5): 6.

9. lin zhixian, sun zhe, xu chengping, zhang aiqin, xiang jun, fan haojun*. a self-matting waterborne polyurethane coating with admirable abrasion-resistance. rsc advances, 2021, 11(44): 27620-27626.

10. wang li, xiang jun, wang songhang, sun zhe, wen jiating, li jing, zheng zhong, fan haojun*. synthesis of oleic-based primary glycol with high molecular weight for bio-based waterborne polyurethane. industrial crops and products, 2022, 176: 114276.

11. wen jiating, sun zhe, zhu fanglong, fan haojun*. construction of a fluorine-free anti-smudge waterborne polyurethane coating. progress in organic coatings, 2023, 174: 107254.

12. guan xiaoyu*, zhang bingyuan, li dongping, ren jiahe, zhu yanxia, zhe sun, yi chen*. semi-unzipping of chitosan-sodium alginate polyelectrolyte gel for efficient capture of metallic mineral ions from tannery effluent. chemical engineering journal, 2023, 452: 139532.

13. wen jiating, sun zhe, xiang jun, fan haojun*, chen yi, yan jun. preparation and characteristics of waterborne polyurethane with various lengths of fluorinated side chains. applied surface science, 2019, 494: 610-618.

14. wen jiating, sun zhe, fan haojun*, chen yi, yan jun. synthesis and characterization of a novel fluorinated waterborne polyurethane. progress in organic coatings, 2019, 131: 291-300.

15. wen jiating, sun zhe, wang zhonghui, fan haojun*, xiang jun, chen yi, yan jun. biomimetic construction of three-dimensional superhydrophobic microfiber nonwoven fabric. colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2021, 612: 125990.

16. wang tianyou, sun zhe, liang feifei, fan haojun*, xiang jun, chen yi. poly (methylmethacrylate) microspheres with matting characteristic prepared by dispersion polymerization. international journal of polymer analysis and characterization, 2019, 24(8): 731-740.

17. tian saiqi, sun zhe, fan haojun*, chen yi, yan jun. a diverse color-tunable luminous polyurethane leather coating based on long persistent phosphors and photochromatic spiropyrans. journal of the american leather chemists association, 2019, 114(4): 138-145.

18. zhang peikun, xu pingfan, fan haojun*, sun zhe, wen jiating. covalently functionalized graphene towards molecular-level dispersed waterborne polyurethane nanocomposite with balanced comprehensive performance. applied surface science, 2019, 471: 595-606.


1. 范浩军, 孙哲, 陈意, 颜俊, 向均, 文嘉婷. 一种基于uv 固化的无溶剂聚氨酯-有机硅合成革及其制造方法, 2021-07-27, 中国, zl201910922059.9.

2. 范浩军, 孙哲, 陈意, 颜俊, 向均, 文嘉婷. 一种基于热固化的无溶剂聚氨酯-有机硅合成革及其制造方法, 2021-08-06, 中国, zl201910762028.1.

3. 范浩军, 孙哲, 陈意, 颜俊, 向均, 文嘉婷, 王文凯. 一种聚氨酯-有机硅合成革涂层用反应型增容剂的制备方法, 2022-04-05, 中国, zl202010670596.1.

4. 范浩军, 王文凯, 孙哲, 李静, 陈意, 颜俊, 向均, 文嘉婷. 一种氰基改性有机硅合成革涂层的制备方法, 2021-09-21, 中国, zl202010670592.3.

5. 范浩军, 梁飞飞, 陈意, 颜俊, 孙哲, 叶留留. 一种基于自修复水性聚氨酯的皮革/合成革及其制备方法, 2021-03-30, 中国, zl201810860475.6.

6. 范浩军, 文嘉婷, 向均, 陈意, 颜俊, 孙哲. 一种3d 超疏水超纤绒面革及其制造方法, 2021-07-27, 中国, zl201910952254.6.

7. 范浩军, 文嘉婷, 向均, 陈意, 颜俊, 孙哲. 一种无溶剂三防合成革及其制造方法, 2021-09-21, 中国, zl201910952340.7.



