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197712月生,教授、士生导师。20061月获清华大学工学博士学位。近年来发表学术论文100多篇,sci收录95篇(其中第一作者36篇,通讯作者40篇);获得国家发明专利18项;担任了两本国际期刊的编委和期特刊的guest editor,并被一些国际会议邀请作报告;此外还担任过三届国际非线性动力学学术研讨会总秘书及分会主席;入选江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才上海市青年科技启明星计划;曾获2009年度届“scopus寻找未来科学之星活动中的纳米科学类的青年科学之星称号。迄今为止主持项目10项,申请发明专利30项,获省部级奖7项,市厅级奖3项。








1. 第十二届江苏省纺织青年科技奖2019

2. 江苏省第十四批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才,2017

3. 2009年度上海市青年科技启明星计划(a类)

4. 2008年上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师计划资助对象

5. 2008年东华大学优秀青年教师后备人选



1. 功能性过滤防护纳米纤维膜批量制备的关键技术及产业应用,江苏省科学技术进步奖2021

2. 功能性过滤与防护纳米纤维膜批量制备的关键技术及产业应用纺织之光中国纺织工业联合会科学技术奖等奖,2021

3. 多场耦合静电纺纳米纤维的制备与机理研究,香港桑麻纺织科技奖二等奖,2017

4. 多场耦合静电纺纳米纤维关键制备技术及其应用开发,纺织之光中国纺织工业联合会科学技术奖三等奖,2016

5. 非线性振动方程的近似解析方法,江苏省科学技术进步奖三等奖,2015

6. 气泡静电纺纳米纤维关键制备技术及其应用开发,天津市科学技术进步奖二等奖,2015

7. 变分迭代算法及其应用,江苏省科学技术进步奖二等奖,2013



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,静电纺纳米多孔材料过程中多相射流的机理研究,2017/01-2020/12

2. 江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目,喷气静电纺丝多股两相射流的机理研究2020/10-2023/9

3. 中国纺织工业联合会科技指导性项目,批量制备纳米纤维的关键技术及其装置研发,2020.6-2021.6

4. 江苏省第十四批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才计划项目,恒定持续供液静电纺装置的开发及纳米纤维的批量制备,2017/07-2021/6

5. 2015年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划,静电纺载药多孔纳米纤维膜的制备及其性能研究,指导老师;

6. 江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目,气泡静电纺丝两相流的机理研究2014/08-2017/12


8. 苏州市科技计划项目静电纺纳米多孔材料的制备机理及应用研究2014/07-2017/06

9. 南通市应用研究计划项目静电纺纳米多孔材料的制备机理及应用研究2014/07-2016/06




[1] ye cw, xu l*, recent advances in the design of a high performance metal-nitrogen-carbon catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction, journal of materials chemistry a, 2021, 9 (39), 22218-22247. (sci) 

[2] ye cw, xu l*, heteroatom-doped porous carbon derived from zeolite imidazole framework/polymer core-shell fibers as an electrode material for supercapacitor, composites part b, 2021, 225, article id 109256. (sci) 

[3] yin j, fang y, xu l*, ahmed a, high-throughput fabrication of silk fibroin/hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (sf/hpmc) nanofibrous scaffolds for skin tissue engineering, international journal of biological macromolecules, 2021, 183, 1210-1221. (sci二区)

[4] gao ll, wang y, xu l*, mechanism study of highly ordered jets in an improved electrospinning process, thermal science, 2021, 25(3), 2327-2334. (sci)

[5] ahmed a, yin j, xu l*, high-throughput free surface electrospinning using solution reservoirs with different radii and its preparation mechanism study, journal of materials research and technology-jmr&t, 2020, 9(4): 9059-9072. (sci二区)

[6] yin j, xu l*, batch preparation of electrospun polycaprolactone/chitosan/aloe vera blended nanofiber membranes for novel wound dressing, international journal of biological macromolecules, 2020, 160, 352-363. (sci二区)

[7] xu hh, fang w, xu l*, liu fj*, batch preparation of cuo/zno-loaded nanofiber membranes for photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes, langmuir, 2020, 36 (47), 14189-14202. (sci二区)

[8] ahmed a, xu l*, numerical analysis of the electrospinning process for fabrication of composite fibers, thermal science, 2020, 24(4): 2377-2383. (sci)

[9] wang y, song yh, ye cw, xu l*, structure and electrochemical performance of electrospun ordered porous carbon/graphene composite nanofibers, beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 2020, 11, 1280-1290. (sci)

[10] yin j, wang y, xu l*, numerical approach to high-throughput of nanofibers by a modified bubble-electrospinning, thermal science, 2020, 24(4), 2367-2375. (sci)

[11] fang w, yu l, xu l*, preparation, characterization and photocatalytic performance of heterostructured cuo-zno-loaded composite nanofiber membranes, beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 2020, 11, 631-650. (sci)

[12] ahmed a, xu l*, yin j, wang md, khan f, ali m, high-throughput fabrication of chitosan/poly(ethylene oxide) nanofibers by modified free surface electrospinning, fibers and polymers, 2020, 21(9), 1945-1955. (sci)

[13] cheng tt, li sq, xu l*, ahmed a, controllable preparation and formation mechanism of nanofiber membranes with large pore sizes using a modified electrospinning, materials & design, 2019, 178(15), article id 107867. (sci)

[14] wang ff, sun zy, yin j, xu l*, preparation, characterization and properties of porous pla/peg/curcumin composite nanofibers for antibacterial application, nanomaterials, 2019, 9(4), article id 508. (sci二区)

[15] cheng tt, xu l*, wang md*, effect of surface active agent on bubble- electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers, thermal science, 2019, 23(4), 2481- 2487. (sci)

[16] fang w, liu l, xu l*, preparation and characterization of cuo/zno/pvdf/ pan nanofiber composites by bubble-electrospinning, recent patents on nanotechnology, 2019, 13 (3), 196-201. (sci)

[17] song yh, wang y, xu l*, wang md*, fabrication and characterization of electrospun aligned porous pan/graphene composite nanofibers, nanomaterials, 2019, 9(12), article id 1782. (sci二区)

[18] wang yr, cheng tt, xu l*, preparation, characterization, and adsorption application of poly(lacticacid)/tea polyphenols porous composite nanofiber membranes, journal of the textile institute, 2019, 110(12), 1760-1766. (sci)

[19] song yh, xu l*, sui jh*, fabrication and characterization of magnetic nanocomposites by electric fields assisted electrospinning, thermal science, 2019, 23(4), 2365-2372. (sci)

[20] fang y, xu l*, four self-made free surface electrospinning devices for high-throughput preparation of high-quality nanofibers, beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 2019, 10, 2261-2274. (sci)

[21] fang y, xu l*, wang md*, high-throughput preparation of silk fibroin nanofibers by modified bubble-electrospinning, nanomaterials, 2018, 8(7), article id 471. (sci二区)

[22] wang yr, xu l*, preparation and characterization of porous core-shell fibers for slow release, polymers, 2018, 10(2), article id 144. (sci二区)

[23] xu l, a particle suspension model for nanosuspensions electrospinning, thermal science, 2018, 22(4), 1707-1714. (sci)

[24] wang yr, xu l*, sui jh*, fan cx, preparation, characterization and drug release of salicylic acid loaded porous electrospun nanofibers, recent patents on nanotechnology, 2018, 12(3), 208-217. (sci)

[25] yu l, shao zb, xu l*, wang md*, high throughput preparation of aligned nanofibers using an improved bubble-electrospinning, polymers, 2017, 9(658), 1-9. (sci二区)

[26] song, y.h., *xu, l, permeability, thermal and wetting properties of aligned composite nanofiber membranes containing carbon nanotubes, international journal of hydrogen energy 42 (2017), 19961-19966.sci二区)

[27] shao zb, yu l, *xu l, wang md, high-throughput fabrication of quality nanofibers using a modified free surface electrospinning, nanoscale research letters, 12 (2017) 470-478. sci二区)

[28] song, y.h., sun, z.y., *xu, l, shao, z.b., preparation and characterization of highly aligned carbon nanotubes/polyacrylonitrile composite nanofibers, polymers 9(1) (2017) 1-13.sci二区)

[29] fan cx, sun zy, *xu l, fluid-mechanic model for fabrication of nanoporous fibers by electrospinning, 2017, thermal science, 21(4): 1621-1625.sci

[30] zhao, jh, liu, hy,*xu, l, preparation and formation mechanismof highly aligned electrospun nanofibers using a modified parallel electrode method, materials & design, 90: 1-6, 2016. sci区)

[31] sun, zy, fan, cx, et al.,*xu, l, characterization and antibacterial properties of porous fiberscontaining silver ions, applied surface science, 387: 828–838, 2016. sci区)

[32] zhao, jh, si, n,*xu, l, tang, xp, experimental and theoretical study on the electrospinning nanoporous fibers process, materials chemistry and physics, 170: 294-302, 2016. sci二区)

[33] zhao jh, sun zy, shao zb, *xu l, effect of surface-active agent on morphology and properties of electrospun pva nanofibres, fibers and polymers, 2016, 17(6): 896-901.sci



1. 用于增强碳纤维与树脂基体的复合性能的方法, zl 2019 1 0034454.3.

2. 负载在纳米纤维膜上的cuozno异质结构及其制备方法,zl 2018 1 0256997.5

3. 一种pla-tps纳米纤维膜及其制备方法和应用zl 2017 1 1274993.1

4. 多孔核壳结构纳米纤维及其制作方法zl 2017 1 0281900.1

5. 一种制备纳米纤维纱系统zl 2017 1 0137725.9

6. 一种制取丝素纳米纤维丝及纤维纱的纺丝装置,zl 2016 1 1111252.7

7. 一种纳米纤维制备装置zl 2016 1 1109431.7

8. 一种漏斗式喷气纺丝装置,zl 2016 1 0564496.4

9. 利用静电纺丝技术制备纳米多孔材料的方法,zl 20131 0151102.9

10. 利用静电纺丝技术制备有序纳米磁性复合材料的方法,zl 2013 1 0495947.x

11. 可调聚合物溶液粘度的静电纺丝装置,zl 2013 1 0597147.9

12. 用于制备纳米多孔纤维的静电纺丝装置,zl 20131 0597327.7

13. 可调节聚合物射流速度的静电纺丝装置,zl 2013 10153383.1

14. 电磁场耦合法制备纳米纤维的静电纺丝装置,zl 201310703715.9

15. 静电纺丝装置,zl 2012 1 0245532.2



    e-mail: lanxu@suda.edu.cn

