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主要研究领域包括人工智能与数字化时尚以及可持续时尚与供应链管理。主持国家自然科学基金,教育部人文社科基金等在内的科研项目三十余项,在《engineering applications of artificial intelligence, ieee transactions on cybernetics,《journal of retailing and consumer services》等国内外高水平期刊发表论文十余篇,授权发明专利项。获中国商业联合会科技进步一等奖项、二等奖项,中国纺织工业联合会科技进步二等奖一项,中国纺织工业联合会教学成果三等奖项。担任纺织领域高水平期刊《纺织学报》、《丝绸》青年编委,江苏省茧丝绸协会专家。

指导江苏省研究生实践创新计划、江苏省大学生创新训练项目多项。所指导学生在“互联网”大学生创新创业大赛, “挑战杯”全国大学生创业大赛, “东进杯”纺织品设计大赛,全国高校数字艺术设计大赛等各类高水平竞赛中屡次获奖。








1. 中国纺织工业联合会科技进步二等奖,2021

2. 国商业联合会科技进步一等奖,2016

3. 中国商业联合会科技进步二等奖,2015

4. 中国纺织工业联合会教学成果三等奖,2015

5. 第四届全国服装科技会议科技进步奖,2017

6. 国际感知科学大会(9th panborn sensory science symposium)最佳论文奖,2011

7. ieee国际智能系统多传感融合与集成大会(mfi 2012)最佳论文奖,2012



1. 国家自然科学基金项目,主持

2. 教育部人文社科基金项目,主持

3. 苏州大学-益诚隆可持续针织协同创新中心,主任

4. 吴江高新区(盛泽镇)高端纺织产业链发展情况调研与规划,主持

5. 江苏省丝绸工程重点实验室开放课题,主持

6. 结合人工智能技术的针织品创新设计与供应链数字化提升,主持

7. 欧盟2020水平线项目(eu horizon2020),中方负责人

8. 中法自然科学基金2015国际合作项目(源自法国科技局anr资助项目),中方负责人

9. 法国dumas-literie家纺产品体验挖掘与品牌升级项目,主持

10. 江南大学-西交利物浦大学智能衣联合开发项目,主持

11. 苏州会然-江南大学品牌创新研发项目,主持

12. 法国martingrant品牌升级项目,主持




1. xue z*, li q, zeng x., social media user behavior analysis applied to the fashion and apparel industry in the big data era[j], journal of retailing and consumer services, 2023, 72.

2. xue z*, jin p, jiang r. design and evaluation of a novel interactive firefighter clothing with multiple functionalities[j]. textile research journal, 2023, 93(1-2): 221-241.

3. xue z*, li q, wu y, et al. the status quo and prospect of sustainable development of smart clothing[j], sustainability, 2022, 14(2): 990.

4. xue z*, huang z. current development and future prospects of designing sustainable fashion[j]. autex research journal, 2022.

5. xue z*, zeng x, koehl l. an intelligent method for the evaluation and prediction of fabric formability for men’s suits. textile research journal, 2018, 88(4), 438-452.

6. xue z*, zeng x, koehl l. development of a method based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and genetic algorithm to study relations between tactile properties and total preference of textile products[j]. journal of the textile institute, 2017, 108(7): 1085-1094.

7. xue z*, zeng x, koehl l, et al. interpretation of fabric tactile perceptions through visual features for textile products[j]. journal of sensory studies, 2016, 31(2): 143-162.

8. xue z*, zeng x, koehl l, et al. consistency and reliability of untrained consumers' perceptions of fabric hand of men's suiting[j]. textile research journal, 2016, 86(13): 1425-1442.

9. xue z*, zeng x, koehl l, et al. measuring consistency of two datasets using fuzzy techniques and the concept of indiscernibility: application to human perceptions on fabrics[j]. engineering applications of artificial intelligence, 2014, 36: 54-63.

10. xue z*, zeng x, koehl l, et al. extracting fabric hand information from visual representations of flared skirts[j]. textile research journal, 2014, 84(3): 246-266.

11. shen l , liu q , xue z* , et al. r&d mode of intelligent safety clothing under micro-interaction concept[j]. international journal of clothing science and technology, 2019, 31(3):431-438.

toscano r, ivan i a, xue z. robust design of fuzzy structured controllers via a moving boundaries process[j]. ieee transactions on cybernetics, 2015, 45(8): 1610-1621. 



1. xue,z*., zeng,x., koehl, l. (2018). artificial intelligence applied to multisensory studies of textile products. in artificial intelligence for fashion industry in the big data era (pp. 211-244). springer, singapore.



1. xue z*, li q, ashraf m. designing wearables for assistive correction of children’s sitting posture[c]//machine learning, multi agent and cyber physical systems: proceedings of the 15th international flins conference (flins 2022). 2023: 474-481.

2. zeng x, xue z*. intelligent computational techniques for implementation of sustainable circular economy: review and perspectives[c]//machine learning, multi agent and cyber physical systems: proceedings of the 15th international flins conference (flins 2022). 2023: 506-513.

3. zhu z, xue z*, zeng x. sustainability driven apparel supplier selection[c]//machine learning, multi agent and cyber physical systems: proceedings of the 15th international flins conference (flins 2022). 2023: 522-530.

4. xue z *, shen l., liu j., chen y., an intelligent approach to study suiting fabric formability, conference on uncertainty modelling in knowledge engineering and decision making, 2018.

5. xue z*, zeng x, koehl l, et al. an intelligent method to study fabric tactile properties through vision [c]// conference on uncertainty modelling in knowledge engineering and decision making. 2016, 951-956.

6. xue, z*, zeng, x., koehl, l., shen, l., development of an intelligent model to predict tactile properties from visual features of textile products, 10th international conference on intelligent systems and knowledge engineering (iske), ieee, 2015, 229-236. 



1. 纺织品虚拟触觉评价与预测方法及系统,cn202110546380.9

2. 一种可与环境声音进行视觉互动的智能中老年服装,cn201810360373.8














