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赵燕,特聘教授、博士生导师2001年和2004年在青岛大学分别获应用化学专业学士和硕士学位2008年获上海交通大学材料学博士学位。20087月至20174月,在澳大利亚迪肯(deakin)大学工作,先后为alfred deakin postdoctoral fellowarc apd fellowresearch fellow20174加入苏州大学。至今已主持各类科研项目10余项;发表论文130余篇,其中80余篇以第一作者或通讯作者发表于adv. mater., adv. funct. mater., angew. chem. int. ed., npj flex. electron., energy storage mater., j. energy chem., small, small methods, chem. eng. j., j. mater. sci. technol., compos. b: eng., appl. mater. today, electrochim. acta等期刊,研究成果相关引用5000余次,h指数38;出版专著章节4篇;已获授权发明专利28件。




  • 本科生:纳米材料导论;新生研讨课;智能响应纤维材料专题

  • 硕士生:热湿管理纤维材料、智能响应纤维材料等专题

  • 博士生:纤维材料前沿进展讲座;博士生应用英语


  1. j li, l lu, h liang, y sun, x guo, z wei*, y zhao*, “silkworm cocoon-inspired and robust nanofibrous composite separator with gradient structure for lithium ion batteries”, composite structures 2024, 339, 118161.

  2. z huang, t zhang*, a ju, z xu, y zhao*, “macroporous, highly hygroscopic, and leakage-free composites for efficient atmospheric water harvesting”, acs applied materials & interfaces 2024, 16, 16893-16902.

  3. x yin, y wang, z xu, t zhang*, y zhao*, “flame-retardant, cellulose-based, thermal insulating polyhipes and their application for early fire warning”, cellulose2024, 31, 3783-3796.

  4. y jiang, b li, z xu, t zhang*, y zhao*, “emulsion-based monoliths with a solid-gel phase-transition and a solid–solid phase-transition for latent heat storage”, journal of polymer science2024, 62, 2027-2035.

  5. f xu, t zhang*, z xu, y zhao*, “solid-solid phase change fibers with enhanced energy storage density for temperature management”, journal of energy storage2024, 79, 110190.

  6. h cao, z xu, t zhang*, y zhao*, “highly stretchable phase change fibers from coaxial wet spinning of nonaqueous emulsions for temperature regulation”, chemical engineering journal2023, 478, 147389.

  7. t guo, h chi, z wei*, y zhao*, “under-oil superhydrophilic/superhydrophobic janus nanofibrous membrane for highly efficient separation of surfactant-stabilized water-in-oil emulsions”, langmuir2023, 39, 16668-16675.

  8. j gu, y feng, x wei, c zhang, t peng, l lu, z wei*, y zhao*, “flexible fibrous separator asymmetrically coated by silica and mxene for high performance lithium batteries with enhanced safety”, journal of power sources2023, 581, 233515.

  9. z wei*, l yu, s lu,y zhao*, “reversibly thermo-responsive materials applied in lithium batteries”, energy storage materials2023, 61, 102901.

  10. h chen, z wang, y feng, s cai, h gao, z wei*, y zhao*, “cellulose-based separators for lithium batteries: source, preparation and performance”, chemical engineering journal2023, 471, 144593.

  11. c pan, x wei, y feng, z wei*, y zhao*, “wo3 composited polyimide nanofibrous separator with superior thermo-mechanical properties and high capacity for lithium-ion batteries”, journal of materials science2023, 58, 10686-10698.

  12. s fu, h li, y jiang, z xu*, y zhao*, “under-oil superhydrophilic and flame retardant fabrics for water removal from oil”, fibers and polymers2023, 24, 2743-2750.

  13. y cheng, s wang, z xu*, l jiang, y zhao*, “non-fluorine oil repellency: to what extent can it substitute perfluoroalkyl substances?”, progress in organic coatings2023, 183, 107726.

  14. h chen, y ding, g zhu*, y liu, q fang, x bai*, y zhao*, x li, x huang, t-y zhang, b li, b sun*, “a new route to fabricate flexible, breathable composites with advanced thermal management capability for wearable electronics”, npj flexible electronics2023, 7, 24.

  15. h zhang, z xu*, t zhang, y zhao*, “nanoscale chemical heterogeneity enables the co-existence of opposing superhydrophobic and hygroscopic properties”, progress in organic coatings2023, 182, 107627.

  16. k zhang, h chen, h huang, z wei*, y zhao*, “water-soluble ammonium polyphosphate synchronously enables mechanically robust and flame-retardant cellulose composite separator for high safety lithium batteries”, journal of power sources2023, 558, 232627.

  17. j xing, w fan, j li, z wang, z wei*, y zhao*, “orientation gradient architecture of nanofibrous separator towards mechanical enhancement and ion transport acceleration for lithium-ion batteries”, electrochimica acta2023, 441, 141794.

  18. h sun, w mu, x cui*, z xu, t zhang, y zhao*, “polymer-encapsulated aerogel fibers prepared via coaxial wet-spinning with stepwise coagulation for thermal insulation”, acs applied polymer materials2023, 5, 552-559.

  19. h li, s li, q li, g chen*, y zhao*, y cai*, “universal, mechanically robust and self-healing superhydrophobic coatings enabled by covalent adaptable networks of disulfide bonds”,progress in organic coatings2023, 175, 107362.

  20. x yin, t zhang*, t zhao, k wang, z xu, y zhao*, “cellulose-based, flexible polyurethane polyhipes with quasi-closed-cell structures and high stability for thermal insulation”, carbohydrate polymers2023, 302, 120385.

  21. h chi, h cao, z xu*, t zhang, j yu, y zhao*, “unexpected excellent under-oil superhydrophilicity of poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) for water capture from oil and water-induced oil self-dewetting”, colloids and surfaces a2023, 657, 130588.

  22. y zhou, l fan, h li, y cui, s yu, z wei*, y zhao*, “fibrous separator with surface modification and micro-nano fibers lamination enabling fast ion transport for lithium-ion batteries”, chinese journal of polymer science2023, 41, 222-232.

  23. j lu, t zhang*, z xu, x yin, y zhao*, “polyhipe composites for latent heat storage: flexibility and enhanced light to heat conversion”, acs applied polymer materials2022, 4, 8083-8091.

  24. s yang, z xu, t zhao, t zhang*, y zhao*, “emulsion-templated, hydrophilic and underwater oleophobic pva aerogels with enhanced mechanical property”, colloids and surfaces a2022, 653, 129979.

  25. z peng, r liu, z xu*, h chi, z wang*, y zhao*, “directional sweat transport window based on hydrophobic/hydrophilic janus fabric enables continuous transfer and monitoring of sweat”, applied materials today2022, 29, 101623.

  26. l yu, j gu, c pan, j zhang, z wei*, y zhao*, “recent developments of composite separators based on high-performance fibers for lithium batteries”,composites part a2022,162, 107132.

  27. t zhao, t zhang*, z xu, y zhao*, “emulsion-based, flexible and recyclable aerogel composites for latent heat storage”, journal of colloid and interface science2022, 627, 72-80.

  28. j xing, j li, w fan, t zhao, x chen, h li, y cui, z wei*, y zhao*, “a review on nanofibrous separators towards enhanced mechanical properties for lithium-ion batteries”,composites part b2022,243, 110105.

  29. h li, s tang, w chen, x yang, s dong, t xing, y zhao*, g chen*, “a fully waterborne coating system based on thiol-ene click reaction for robust and self-healing superhydrophobic surfaces”, chemical engineering journal2022, 447, 137499.

  30. s yang, z xu, t zhang*, y zhao*, “emulsion-templated, hydrophilic-oleophobic aerogels with flexibility, stretchability and recyclability”, polymer2022, 250, 124886.

  31. l jiang, y cheng, s wang, z xu*, y zhao*, “non-fluorine oil repellency: how low the intrinsic wetting threshold can be for roughness-induced contact angle amplification?”, langmuir2022, 18, 5857-5864.

  32. x guo, j li, j xing, k zhang, y zhou, c pan, z wei*, y zhao*, “silkworm cocoon layer with gradient structure as separator for lithium-ion battery”, energy technology2022, 2100996.

  33. h li, s tang, w chen, x yang, s dong, t xing, y zhao*, g chen*, “robust multifunctional superhydrophobic, photocatalytic and conductive fabrics with electro-/photo-thermal self-healing ability”, journal of colloid and interface science2022, 614, 1-11.

  34. t zhang*, h cao, h gui, z xu, y zhao*, “microphase-separated, magnetic macroporous polymers with amphiphilic swelling from emulsion templating”,polymer chemistry2022, 13, 1090-1097.

  35. x li, t zhang*, j lu, z xu, y zhao*, “emulsion-templated, magnetic, hydrophilic-oleophobic composites for controlled water removal”,langmuir2022, 38, 1422-1431.

  36. x yu, y yang, w yang, x wang, x liu*, f zhou, y zhao*, “one-step zwitterionization and quaternization of thick pdmaema layer grafted through subsurface-initiated atrp for robust antibiofouling and antibacterial coating on pdms”, journal of colloid and interface science2022, 610, 234-245.

  37. t tang, s wang, y jiang*, z xu, y chen, t peng, f khan, j feng, p song*, y zhao*, “flexible and flame-retarding phosphorylated mxene/polypropylene composites for efficient electromagnetic interference shielding”, journal of materials science & technology2022, 111, 66-75.

  38. c cheng, z wei*, j gu, z wu, y zhao*, “rational design of janus nanofibrous membranes with novel under-oil superhydrophilic/superhydrophobic asymmetric wettability for water-in-diesel emulsion separation”, journal of colloid and interface science2022, 606, 1563-1571.

  39. x-q xie, j liu, c. gu, j li*, y zhao*, c-s liu*, “hierarchical structured cop nanosheets/carbon nanofibers bifunctional electrocatalyst for high-efficient overall water splitting”, journal of energy chemistry2022, 64, 503-510.

  40. j lu, g gao, r liu, c cheng, t zhang*, z xu*, y zhao*, “emulsion-templated porous polymers: drying condition-dependent properties”, soft matter2021, 17, 9653.

  41. h li, s miao, w chen, x yang, m li, t xing, y zhao*, g chen*, “durable superhydrophobic and oleophobic cotton fabric based on the grafting of fluorinated poss through silane coupling and thiol-ene click reaction”, colloids and surfaces a2021, 630, 127566.

  42. j li, y zhang, r shang, c cheng, y cheng, j xing, z wei*, y zhao*, “recent advances in lithium-ion battery separators with reversible/irreversible thermal shutdown capability”, energy storage materials2021, 43, 143-157.

  43. z wu, h sun, z xu*, h chi, x li, s wang, t zhang*, y zhao*, “underwater mechanically tough, elastic, superhydrophilic cellulose nanofiber-based aerogels for water-in-oil emulsion separation and solar steam generation”, acs applied nano materials2021, 4, 8979-8989.

  44. j lu, t zhang*, z xu, y zhao*, “octadecane-cellulose nanofiber flexible composites for latent heat storage”, chemical engineering journal2021, 425, 131432.

  45. h chi, z xu*, z wei, t zhang, h wang, t lin*, y zhao*, “fabrics with novel air-oil amphibious, spontaneous one-way water-transport capability for oil/water separation”, acs applied materials & interfaces2021, 13, 29150-29157.

  46. b jiang, t zhang*, z xu, y zhao*, “wet-spun porous fibers from high internal phase emulsions: continuous preparation and high stretchability”, journal of polymer science2021, 59, 1055-1064.

  47. h li, s tang, q zhou, w chen, x yang, t xing, y zhao*, g chen*, “durable superhydrophobic cotton fabrics prepared by surface-initiated electrochemically mediated atrp of polyhedral vinylsilsesquioxane and subsequent fluorination via thiol-michael addition reaction”, journal of colloid & interface science2021, 593, 79-88.

  48. h chi, z xu*, t zhang, x li, z wu, y zhao*, “randomly heterogeneous oleophobic/ph-responsive polymer coatings with reversible wettability transition for multifunctional fabrics and controllable oil-water separation”, journal of colloid & interface science2021, 594, 122-130.

  49. f khan, s wang, z ma, a adnan, p song*, z xu, r liu, h chi, j gu, l-c tang, y zhao*, “a durable, flexible, large-area, flame-retardant early fire warning sensor with built-in patterned electrodes”, small methods2021, 5, 2001040.

  50. z wu, t zhang*, h zhang, r liu, h chi, x li, s wang, y zhao*, “one-pot fabrication of hydrophilic-oleophobic cellulose nanofiber-silane composite aerogels for selectively absorbing water from oil-water mixtures”, cellulose2021, 28, 1443-1453.

  51. x li, t zhang*, z xu, h chi, z wu, y zhao*, “amphiphobic polyhipes with ph-triggered transition to hydrophilicity-oleophobicity for the controlled removal of water from oil-water mixtures”, polymer chemistry 2020, 11, 6935-6943.

  52. t zhang*, z xu, x li, g gao, y zhao*, “closed-cell, phase change material-encapsulated, emulsion-templated monoliths for latent heat storage: flexibility and rapid preparation”, applied materials today2020, 21, 100831.

  53. q guo, t zhang*, z xu, x li, y zhao*, “a single covalently grafted fluorolayer imparts intrinsically hydrophilic foams with simultaneous oleophobicity and hydrophilicity for removing water from oils”, colloids and surfaces a2020, 605, 125380.

  54. h gui, s ji, t zhang*, y zhao*, q guo, “nanofibrous, hypercrosslinked polymers with multiscale pores through post-crosslinking of emulsion-templated syndiotactic polystyrene aerogels”, european polymer journal2020, 135, 109880.

  55. x yu, w yang, y yang, x wang, x liu*, f zhou, y zhao*, “subsurface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization: effect of graft layer thickness and surface morphology on antibiofouling properties against different foulants”, journal of materials science2020, 55, 14544-14557.

  56. t zhang*, z xu, h chi, y zhao*, “closed-cell, phase change material-encapsulated monoliths from a reactive surfactant-stabilized high internal phase emulsion for thermal energy storage”, acs applied polymer materials2020, 2, 2578-2585.

  57. y cheng, j wang, m li, f fu, y zhao*, j yu*, “zwitterionic polymer-grafted superhydrophilic and superoleophobic silk fabrics for anti-oil applications”, macromolecular rapid communications2020, 2000162.

  58. z wei*, j gu, f zhang, z pan, y zhao*, “core-shell structured nanofibers for lithium ion battery separator with wide shutdown temperature window and stable electrochemical performance”, acs applied polymer materials2020, 2, 1989-1996.

  59. h chi, z xu, y ma, t tang, t zhang, y zhao*, “multifunctional highly oleophobic and superhydrophilic fabric coatings prepared by facile photopolymerization”, advanced sustainable systems2020, 4, 2000049.

  60. x yu, y yang, w yang, x wang, x liu*, f zhou*, y zhao*, “solvent-driven migration of highly polar monomers into hydrophobic pdms produces thick graft layer via subsurface initiated atrp for efficient antibiofouling”, chemical communications2020, 56, 5030-5033.

  61. t zhang, y zhao*, m s silverstein*, “cellulose-based, highly porous polyurethanes templated within non-aqueous high internal phase emulsions”, cellulose 2020, 27, 4007-4018.


  1. w wang, r liu, h chi, t zhang, z xu*, y zhao*, “durable superamphiphobic and photocatalytic fabrics: tackling the loss of super-non-wettability due to surface organic contamination”, acs applied materials & interfaces2019, 11, 35327-35332.

  2. t zhang, x li, w wang, z xu, y zhao*, “interface-initiated polymerization enabled a one-pot synthesis of hydrophilic and oleophobic foams through emulsion templating”, macromolecular rapid communications2019, 40, 1900288.

  3. t zhang*, h gui, z xu, y zhao*, “hydrophobic polyurethane polyhipes templated from mannitol within nonaqueous high internal phase emulsions for oil spill recovery”, journal of polymer science part a: polymer chemistry2019, 57, 1315-1321.

  4. a.p. periyasamy, s.k. rwahwire, s.r. rwawiire, y. zhao, “sustainable wastewater treatment methods for textile industry”, s. s. muthu (ed.), sustainable innovations in apparel production, textile science and clothing technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8591-8_2. springer nature singapore pte ltd. 2018.(专著章节)

  5. a.p. periyasamy, s.k. rwahwire, y. zhao, “environmental friendly textile processing”, l.m.t. martinez et al. (eds.), handbook of ecomaterials, isbn: 978-3-319-48281-1. springer international publishing ag 2018. (专著章节)

  6. a patil, y zhao*, x liu*, x wang, “durable superhydrophobic and antimicrobial cotton fabrics prepared by electrostatic assembly of polyhexamethylene biguanide and subsequent hydrophobization”, textile research journal2018, 88, 1788-1799.

  7. y zhao, h wang, h zhou, t lin*, “directional fluid transport in thin porous materials and its functional applications”, small2017, 13, 1601070.

  8. y zhao, z xu, t lin, “barrier textiles for protection against microbes”, antimicrobial textiles, pp 225-245, doi 10.1016/b978-0-08-100576-7.00012-2, elsevier 2016. (专著章节)

  9. z xu, y zhao*, h wang, h zhou, c qin, x wang, t lin*, “fluorine-free superhydrophobic coatings with ph-induced wettability transition for controllable oil-water separation”, acs applied materials & interfaces2016, 8, 5661-5667.

  10. j li, y zhao*, m ge*, s fu, t lin, “superhydrophobic and luminescent cotton fabrics prepared by dip-coating of aptms modified sral2o4:eu2 , dy3 particles in the presence of su8 and fluorinated alkyl silane”, journal of rare earths2016, 34, 653-660.

  11. z xu, y zhao*, h wang, x wang, t lin, “a superamphiphobic coating with ammonia-triggered transition to superhydrophilic and superoleophobic for oil-water separation”, angewandtechemie international edition2015, 54, 4527-4530.

  12. y zhao, z xu, h niu, x wang, t lin*, “magnetic liquid marbles: toward “lab in a droplet””, advanced functional materials2015, 25, 437-444.

  13. z xu, y zhao*, l dai, t lin*, “multi-responsive janus liquid marbles: the effect of temperature and acidic/basic vapors”, particle & particle systems characterization2014, 31, 839-842.

  14. y zhao, z xu, x wang, t lin*, “superhydrophobic and uv-blocking cotton fabrics prepared by layer-by-layer assembly of organic uv absorber intercalated layered double hydroxides”, applied surface science2013, 286, 364-370.

  15. y zhao, z xu, x wang, t lin*, “photoreactive azido-containing silica nanoparticle/polycation multilayers: durable superhydrophobic coating on cotton fabrics”, langmuir2012, 28, 6328-6335.

  16. y zhao, z xu, m parhizkar, j fang, x wang, t lin*, “”, microfluidics and nanofluidics2012, 13, 555-564.

  17. y zhao, w yang, y xue, x wang, t lin*, “partial exfoliation of layered double hydroxides in dmso: a route to transparent polymer nanocomposites”, journal of materials chemistry 2011, 21, 4869-4874.

  18. y zhao, j fang, h wang, x wang, t lin*, “magnetic liquid marbles: manipulation of liquid droplets using highly hydrophobic fe3o4 nanoparticles”, advanced materials2010, 22, 707-710.

  19. y zhao, y tang, x wang, t lin*, “superhydrophobic cotton fabric fabricated by electrostatic assembly of silica nanoparticles and its remarkable buoyancy”, applied surface science 2010,  6736-6742.

  20. y zhao, m li, q lu*, z shi, “superhydrophobic polyimide films with a hierarchical topography: combined replica molding and layer-by-layer assembly”, langmuir 2008, 24, 12651-12657.

  21. y zhao, m li, q lu*, “tunable wettability of polyimide films based on electrostatic self-assembly of ionic liquids”, langmuir 2008, 24, 3937-3943.

  22. y zhao, m li, q lu*, “surface patterns induced by laser irradiation on thin polymer bilayer films”, colloids and surfaces a: physicochem. eng. aspects 2008, 312, 47-55.

  23. y zhao, q lu*, m li, x li, “anisotropic wetting characteristics on submicrometer scale periodic grooved surface”, langmuir 2007, 23, 6212-6217.

  24. y zhao, q lu*, d chen, y wei, “superhydrophobic modification of polyimide films based on gold-coated porous silver nanostructures and self-assembled monolayers”, journal of materials chemistry 2006, 16, 4504-4509.

  25. y zhao, y-g guo, y-l zhang*, k jiao, “fabrication and characterization of highly ordered pt nanotubule arrays”, physical chemistry chemical physics 2004, 6, 1766-1768.


  1. 高抗拉强度和高离子电导率的电纺锂电池隔膜及其制法.专利号:zl 2021 1 1504452.x, 授权日:2024.3.22.

  2. 一种锂电池用纤维素隔膜的制备方法.专利号:zl 2022 1 1046856.3, 授权日:2023.12.12.

  3. 一种柔性冰基蓄冷复合材料及其制备方法.专利号:zl2022 1 1057674.6, 授权日:2023.7.25.

  4. 一种乳液基储热纤维及其制备方法.专利号:zl 2022 1 0391326.6, 授权日:2023.6.27.

  5. 一种皮芯结构气凝胶纤维及其制备方法.专利号:zl 2021 1 1467007.0, 授权日:2023.4.18.

  6. 一种调温纤维及其制备方法.专利号:zl 2022 1 0080069.4,授权日:2022.12.30.

  7. 纤维素基多孔绝热材料及其制备方法.专利号:zl 2021 1 1534841.7,授权日:2022.12.16.

  8. 一种可再生的亲水-疏油性多孔聚合物及其制备方法.专利号:zl 2021 1 1616012.3, 授权日:2022.11.18.

  9. 一种可再生储热复合材料及其制备方法.专利号:zl 2021 1 1565187.6,授权日:2022.11.18.

  10. 一种水性无氟超疏水纳米织物整理剂及其制备方法和应用.专利号:zl 2019 1 0998628.8,授权日:2022.05.31.

  11. 一种锂电池隔膜用生物质纤维复合膜及其制备方法.专利号:zl 2020 1 0417300.5,授权日:2022.05.20.

  12. 一种基于氧化石墨烯的阻燃涂层织物的制备方法及应用.专利号:zl 2020 1 0983902.7,授权日:2022.04.15.

  13. 一种疏水吸湿织物涂层及其制备方法.专利号:zl 2019112152313,授权日:2022.03.15.

  14. 亲水疏油三维多孔聚合物材料及其制备方法.专利号:zl 202010676374.0,授权日:2022.03.11.

  15. 一种纤维素基柔性储热复合材料及其制备方法.专利号:zl 202110603910.9,授权日:2022.03.01.

  16. 多孔纤维及其制备方法和应用.专利号:zl 2020 1 0420099.6,授权日:2022.01.18.

  17. 一种用于油水乳液分离的复合纤维膜及其制备方法.专利号:zl 2020 1 0709575.6,授权日:2021.12.31.

  18. 一种多功能涤纶面料及其制备方法.专利号:zl 201910290429.1,授权日:2021.11.05.

  19. 一种耐穿刺纤维复合膜及其制备方法.专利号:zl 2020 1 0417382.3,授权日:2021.10.08.

  20. 双面疏油的超疏水-超亲水janus型材料的制备方法及应用.专利号:zl 201911100294.4,授权日:2021.09.21.

  21. 具有疏油性和ph响应性的多孔聚合物及其制备和应用.专利号:zl 201911060122.9,授权日:2021.08.24.

  22. 亲水-疏油的纤维素硅烷偶联剂复合气凝胶的制备方法.专利号:zl 201910635682.6,授权日:2021.08.06.

  23. ph响应性疏水疏油-亲水疏油可逆转变材料的制备及应用.专利号:zl 201911071280.4,授权日:2021.08.03.

  24. 亲水疏油性多孔聚合物及其制备方法. 专利号:zl 2019 1 0446326.x授权日:2021.05.18.

  25. 纤维素基多孔聚合物及其制备方法. 专利号:zl 2019 1 0553503.4授权日:2021.04.13.

  26. 一种水滴铺展时间可控的亲水-疏油涂层及其制备方法. 专利号:zl 2018 1 0885147.1授权日:2021.05.14.

  27. 一种锂离子电池隔膜及其制备方法.专利号:zl 2019 1 0767161.6授权日:2021.01.15.

  28. 一种自愈合型超双疏和光催化双重自清洁涂层及其制备方法. 专利号:zl 2018 1 0866481.2授权日:2020.09.15.




e-mail: yanzhao@suda.edu.cn
