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张岩  1986年生,山东东营,2008年本科毕业于青岛大学,同年考入东华大学读研,2009年硕博连读攻读博士学位。2011年获国家留学基金委资助赴加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(university of british columbia)学习一年。2012年博士毕业,获工学博士学位。2013年苏州大学纺织科学与工程博士后流动站工作,2015年出站后留校工作,20167月评为副教授,2022年7月评为教授。近年来发表sci收录论文20多篇,目前主持国家科研项目1项,省部级项目1项,市厅级级项目3项,其他项目4






南通市科技进步二等奖 2015






4、 gy12016028 南通市自然科学基金2016/10-2018/09主持



7klet1311 生态纺织(江南大学)教育部重点实验室开放课题,2014/01-2015/12 主持



1051403143 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2015/01-2017/12参与



[1] 张岩, 孙宝忠,顾伯洪. 三维编织复合材料横向冲击动态响应.中国力学大会-2011暨钱学森诞辰100周年纪念大会.哈尔滨.2011

[2] wang p and zhang y. the effect of twist on the tensile strength ofyarns with high performance. key engineering materials, 2011, (480-481):453-458

[3] wang p and zhang y. the tensile strength of neat and coated wovenfabrics. key engineering materials, 2011, (480-481):448-452

[4] wang p, zhang y and sun bz. tear and puncture behaviors of flexiblecomposites. the 18th international conference on composite materials. jejuisland, korea. 2011

[5] zhang y, wang p and sun bz. dynamic responses of 3d braidedcarbon/epoxy composite. the 18th international conference on compositematerials. jeju island, korea. 2011

[6] zhao q, jin lm, jiang ll, zhang y, sun bz and gu bh. experimental characterizations of bending fatigue of a four-step 3-d braidedrectangular composite under different stress levels. journal of reinforcedplastics and composites, 2011, 30(18): 1571-1582

[7] ma pb, hu h, zhang y, sun bz and gu bh. frequencyfeatures of co-woven-knitted fabric (cwkf) composite under tension at variousstrain rates. composites part a: applied science and manufacturing, 2011,42(5): 446-452

[8]sun bz, niu zl, jin lm, zhang y and gu bh. experimental investigation and numerical simulation of three-pointbending fatigue of 3d orthogonal woven composite. journal of the textileinstitute. 2012, 103(12): 1312-1327

[9] zhang y, jiang ll, sun bz and gu bh. transverseimpact behaviors of four-step 3-d rectangular braided composites from unit-cellapproach. journal of reinforced plastics and composites, 2012,31(4): 233-246

[10] zhang y, sun bz, and gu bh. experimentalcharacterization of transverse impact behaviors of four-step 3-d rectangularbraided composites. journal of composite materials. 2012, 46(24): 3017-3029

[11] sun bz, zhang y and gu bh. low-velocity impact response and finite elementcalculation of four-step 3-d braided composites. applied composite materials, 2013, 20(4):397-413

[12] 张岩,孙宝忠. 三维编织物增强复合材料横向冲击频域响应特征. 东华大学学报(自然科学版).2013, 39(1):37-41,47

[13] zhang y, li xf, wang p. energy consumption of the griffesduring weaving process of jacquard loom. thermal science. 2014, 18(5):1583-1585.

[14] zhang y, chen yy, lin l, ma pb. nanostructurecharacterization of beta-sheet crystals in silk under various temperatures.thermal science. 2014, 18(5): 1459-1461.

[15] zhang ds*, xiong jq, li cm, zhang y, toh gw, lin h, chen yy.synthesis of size tunable gold nanoparticles polymeric hybrid based onmolecular nanocages. micro & nano letters. 2014, 9(4): 235-238

[16] zhang y*,chen yy, lin h. structural characterizations of three-dimensional crimped silkyarns. thermal science. 2015, 19(4): 1337-1340

[17] zhang, y, chen, ql , liu, fj, wang,p. the estimation of the length constant of a long cooling fin byvariational iteration method. international journal of numerical methods forheat and fluid flow. 2015, 25(4): 887-891

[18] zhang y, wang p, guo cb. energy absorption behaviors of 3dbraided composites under impact loadings with frequency domain analysis,polymer composites. 2016, 37(5):1620-1627

[19] zhang y, he jh, wang sq, wang p. a dye removal model with afuzzy initial condition. thermal science, 2016, 20(3): 867-870

[20] zhang y, zhang cz, liu fj, wang fy, wang p. research onmorphologies of polyvinyl alcohol/milk nanofibers. thermal science, 2016,20(3): 961-966

[21] zhang y, wang p, and guo cb. low-velocity impact failure mechanismanalysis of 3-d braided composites with hilbert–huang transform. journal ofindustrial textiles. online doi:10.1177/1528083715619955

[22] wang p, liu p, kong hy, zhang y*, he jh. nonlinearvibration mechanism for fabrication of crimped nanofibers with bubbleelectrospinning and stuffer box crimping method. textile research journal, doi:10.1177/0040517516658513


2011年获国家留学基金委资助赴加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(university of british columbia)学习一年



