先后主持江苏省科技攻关、浙江重大成果转化、江苏省产学研前瞻、校企协同创新中心、国防重点基础研究课题等项目,申请发明专利76项,授权国家发明专利42项,国际专利2项,在nature communications, advanced functional materials, small, ccs chemistry, acs appl. mater. interfaces 等国际学术期刊发表文章50余篇,参编学术著作2部。指导本科生荣获2009年第十一届“全国大学生挑战杯”特等奖,2010年第七届“挑战杯”全国大学生创业计划大赛”中荣获金奖,2009年全国大学生课外学术科技作品优秀指导教师,连获2009年和2010年苏州大学教学先进个人。
1. 纳米功能材料的制备及在纺织品上的应用
2. 多功能集成智能纤维的开发及应用
3. 有机- 无机杂化/纳米复合材料的开发及应用
1. 纳米活体矿石多功能羽绒及纺织品开发关键技术及产业化(p111502717)2017年3-2021年3月
2. 纳米技术在顽固性皮肤疾病临床诊疗中的应用(p111500118)2017年3-2020年3月
3. 基于纳米光触媒石墨烯复合功能锦纶纤维的开发及产业化(2h180701)2018年7月-2021年1月。
4. 国防基础加强计划重点基础研究项目xxx,2019年12月-2022年12月
5. 纳米基因多功能鞋垫开发关键技术及产业化2022年3-2025年3月
6. 多功能纳米新材料老人鞋服应用开发关键技术及产业化2022.10-2025.1
1. qiang lv, min zheng*, liangsheng liao* et al..lattice-mismatch-free growth of organic heterostructure nanowires from cocrystals to alloys. nat. commun.2022,13(1).
2. qiang lv, min zheng*, xuedong wang*, liangsheng liao. low-dimensional organic crystals: from precise synthesis to advanced applications. small, 2022, doi: 10.1002/smll.202203961.
3. qiang lv, xuedong wang*, wanying yang, kaili wang, chaofei xu, min zheng*, and liangsheng liao*.a general synthetic approach of organic lateral heterostructures for optical signal converters in all-color wavelength. ccs chemistry, 2022. doi: 10.31635/ccschem.022.202101640.
4. wangyi zhai, yuanming cao, yifei li, min zheng*, and zuoshan wang*. moo3–x qds/mxene (ti3c2tx) self-assembled heterostructure for multifunctional application with antistatic, smoke suppression, and antibacterial on polyester fabric. j. mater. sci. 2022, 57: 2597–2609.
5. shao-zhen wang, mi zheng , xue zhang , ming-peng zhuo* , qing-qing zhou, min zheng* , jing-yu han , zuo-shan wang*, liang-sheng liao. fine synthesis of hierarchical cuo/cu(oh)2 urchin-like nanoparticles for efficient removal of cr(vi). j. alloys compd. 2021,884, 161052.
6. shaozhen wang, mi zheng, xue zhang, mingpeng zhuo, qingqing zhou, yang su, min zheng*,guotao yuan, and zuoshan wang*. flower-like cuo/au nanoparticle heterostructures for nonenzymatic glucose detection. acs appl. nano mater. 2021, 4, 5808-5815.
7. yuan-ming cao, mi zheng, yi-fei li, wang-yi zhai, guo-tao yuan, min zheng*, ming-peng zhuo*, zuo-shan wang*, and liang-sheng liao. smart textiles based on mos2 hollow nanospheres for personal thermal management, acs appl. mater. interfaces, 2021, 13, 48988−48996.
8. songming zhao, min zheng*, kaixuan shen. ultrasound-assisted preparation of highly dispersion sulfonated graphene and its antistatic properties.the journal of the textile institute. 2021, 112(1):30-36.
9. qing-qing zhou, ming-peng zhuo*, rui chen, shao-zhen wang, zuo-shan wang*, min zheng* and liang-sheng liao. controllable synthesis of barnyardgrass-like cuo/cu2o heterostructure nanowires for highly sensitive non-enzymatic glucose sensors. j. mater. chem. c, 2019, 7, 14874.
10. wang zs, feng yy, cao l, xue mq, shen kx, zheng m*. preparation and optical properties of bi2fevmoo10 nanoparticles structurally derived from cation-substitutions in scheelite-type bivo4. materials research bulletin. 2018;100:145-52.
11. chen r, lu j, liu sn, zheng m, wang zs*. the preparation of cu2o@au yolk/shell structures for efficient photocatalytic activity with a self-generated acid etching method. journal of materials science.2018;53(3):1781-90.
12. rui chen, juan lu, zuoshan wang, qingqing zhou and min zheng*. microwave synthesis of cu/cu2o/sno2 composite with improved photocatalytic ability using sncl4 as a protector.j.mater. sci. 2018,53:9557–9566.
13. rui chen, zuoshan wang, qingqing zhou, juan lu and min zheng*. a template-free microwave synthesis of one-dimensional cu2o nanowires with desired photocatalytic property. materials.2018, 11, 1843.