卢业虎,1986年1月出生,工学博士,教授。研究领域主要包括智能和防护服装研发、性能测评、热湿传递模拟等,先后主持或参与国家自然科学基金等科研项目30余项,累计发表论文100余篇,获得授权专利23项,并出版4篇英文书籍章节 ,参与编写教材 4部、译著1部,制修订各类标准计划8项。担任江苏纺织服装标准化技术委员会委员、全国服装标准化技术委员会智能服装工作组成员、江苏省纺织工程学会科普委员会委员、中国服装标准化技术委员会观察员。
1. 防护服装研发与性能评价
2. 人体-服装-环境系统热湿传递模拟
3. 服装工效学
4. 智能服装开发
5. 服装数字化
1. 中国博士后基金面上项目,2020,主持。
2. 军队总后勤重点项目,2019,排名2。
3. 苏州市重点产业技术专项,2018,主持。
4. 南通市科技计划,2018,主持。
5. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,2016,主持。
6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,2016,排名2。
7. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2016,排名2。
8. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,2015,主持。
1. yehu lu, lijun wang, jiazhen he, pengjun xu, wenfang song. investigation on thermal protective performance of shape memory fabric system: effect of moisture and position of shape memory alloy. clothing and textile research journal, 2020, 1-14,doi: 10.1177/0887302x20937075.
2. wenfang song, yehu lu, yuping liu, yang yang, xinghong jiang. effect of partial-body heating on thermal comfort and sleep quality of young female adults in a cold indoor environment. building and environments, 2020, 169: 1-9.
3. lijun wang, yehu lu, jiazhen he. on the effectiveness of temperature-responsive protective fabric incorporated with shape memory alloy (sma) under radiant heat exposure. clothing and textile research journal, 2020, 38(3): 212-224.
4. jiazhen he, yehu lu, jie yang. quantification of the energy storage caused dual performance of thermal protective clothing containing with moisture exposed to hot steam. energy science and engineering, 2019, 7: 2585-2595.
5. jiazhen he, yehu lu, lijun wang and nini ma. on the improvement of thermal protection for temperature responsive protective clothing incorporated with shape memory alloy. materials, 2018, 11(10), 1932; doi:10.3390/ma11101932
6. lijun wang, jiazhen he, yehu lu, shumin jiang & min wang. interaction effects of washing and abrasion on thermal protective performance of flame retardant fabrics. international journal of occupational safety and ergonomics, 2018, doi:10.1080/10803548.2018.1524538.
7. si chen, yehu lu, jiazhen he, xiaoqun dai. predicting the heat transfer through protective clothing under exposure to hot water spray. international journal of thermal sciences, 2018, 130: 416-422.
8. nini ma, yehu lu, fanfei xu, hongqin dai. development and performance assessment of electrically heated gloves with smart temperature control function. international journal of occupational safety and ergonomics, 2020, 26(1): 46-54.
9. jiazhen he, yehu lu, yan chen, jun li. investigation of the thermal hazardous effect of protective clothing caused by stored energy discharge. journal of hazardous materials, 2017, 338: 76–84.
10. yehu lu, faming wang, hui peng. effect of two sweating simulation methods on clothing real evaporative resistance determined on a thermal manikin in a so-called isothermal condition. international journal of biometeorology, 2016, 60(7): 1041-1049.
11. yehu lu, faming wang, hui peng, wen shi, guowen song. effect of sweating set rate on clothing real evaporative resistance determined on a sweating thermal manikin in a so-called isothermal condition (tmanikin=ta=tr). international journal of biometeorology, 2016, 60(4): 481-488.
12. yehu lu, fanru wei, dandan lai, wen shi, faming wang, chuansi gao, guowen song. a novel personal cooling system (pcs) incorporated with phase change materials (pcms) and ventilation fans: an investigation on its cooling efficiency. journal of thermal biology, 2015, 52, 137-146.
yehu lu. chapter 10: evaluation of steam and hot liquid splash protection using thermal manikins and simulated tests. in: rajkishore nayak and rajiv padhye (eds.) manikins for textile evaluation. woodhead publishing limited, scheduled in 2017.
yehu lu, kalev kuklane, chuansi gao. chapter 2: types of thermal manikin. in: rajkishore nayak and rajiv padhye (eds.) manikins for textile evaluation. woodhead publishing limited, scheduled in 2017.
guowen song, yehu lu, farzan gholemreza. chapter 4:protective clothing against hot liquid splash and steam hazards. in: faming wang and chuansi gao (eds.). protective clothing: managing thermal stress. woodhead publishing limited, 2014.
guowen song, yehu lu. chapter 19: flame resistant textiles for structural and proximity fire fighting. in: fatma selcen kilinc-balci (ed.). handbook of fire resistant textiles. cambridge uk: woodhead publishing limited, 2013, 520-548, doi: 10.1533/9780857098931.4.520 (isbn:978 0 85709 123 9).
2011.9-2012.8,受国家留学基金委资助公派留学加拿大university of alberta。