蒋孝锋,副教授,硕士生导师。毕业于苏州丝绸工学院纺织品设计专业,先后获苏州大学设计艺术学硕士学位和服装设计与工程博士学位,2016-2017年获江苏省政府留学奖学金资助赴美国爱荷华州立大学进行访问研究,担任《textile research journal》、《东华大学学报》、《浙江理工大学学报》等杂志审稿人。长期从事服装心理、数字化服装设计、服装社会与文化的教学与研究工作。近年来,主要从事服装认知评价、服装审美及消费心理实证研究。主持和参与省部级科研项目6项,获省部级教学科研奖励6项,发表学术论文30余篇,其中sci、ei、istp三大收录18篇,出版教材4部。
(1) “服装设计与工程专业设计类课程教学改革与实践”获中国纺织工业联合会教学成果奖三等奖,2015
(1) huiqun bai, xiaofeng jiang. behavioral study on aesthetic evaluation of clothing color combinations. international journal of psychology and cognitive science, 2016, 2(1):1-6.
(2) hui-qun bai, xiao-feng jiang. impact of exposure duration of clothing color on aesthetic evaluation. textile bioengineering and informatics symposium proceedings. 2015, 455-459.
(3) mawei zhou, xiao-feng jiang. the aesthetic evaluation of fashion pattern and somatotype, textile bioengineering and informatics symposium proceedings. 2015, 517-522.
(4) xiao-feng jiang, luo-rui cai. evaluation of aesthetic response to clothing color combination: a behavioral and electrophysiological study. journal of fiber bioengineering and informatics, 2013, 6 (4) : 405-414.
(6) xiao-feng jiang, xiao-pei bian. positive-negative emotional categorization of clothing color based on brightness. engineering, 2013, 5 (10b), p.36-40.
(7) liu, y.q., jiang, x.f., zhang, x.x., wang, g.h., zhang, z.w. & chen, k.m. neuronal representation of fabric texture for thermal microenvironment. thermal science, 2013, 17(5):1497-1500.
(8) xiao-pei bian, xiao-feng jiang, yu-qing liu. evaluation on size-illusion of clothing color based on behavioural measure. advanced materials research. 2013,796:492-496..
(9) xiao-feng jiang, guo-lian liu. influence of exposure durations on the cognition of clothing color. advanced materials research, 2012, 433-440: 2064-2070.
(10) xiao feng jiang, guo lian liu. how does the saturation influence on the cognition of clothing color?a behavioural study. advanced materials research, 2011,175-176: 786-791.
(11) xiao feng jiang, jia ni zhu, guo lian liu. liu. evaluation of the conformity of clothing color to wearing scenes. advanced materials research, 2011,332-334:1362-1365.
(12) xiao feng jiang, xiao xia zhang, guo lian liu. influence of color and style on clothing identification. advanced materials research, 2011, 331: 689-693.
(13) xiao-feng jiang, fang qin, shan-shan wang. guo-lian liu. study on cognition of clothing color based on saturation. the 4th international conference on bioinformatics and biomedical engineering, 2010.
(14) xiao-feng jiang, guo-lian liu, fang qin,shan-shan wang. behavioural study on cognition of clothing color based on brightness. the 6th international conference on natural computation, 2010.
(15) xiao feng jiang, jia ni zhu, guo lian liu. study on aesthetics of color matching between skin and clothing, textile bioengineering informatics symposium, 2010.
(15) xiao-feng jiang, fang qin,shan-shan wang,guo-lian liu. the influence of the value changes on the perception of costume color. journal of fiber bioengineering and informatics, 2009, 2 (1): 36-40.
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