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  1. 2022年获中国纺织工业联合会科学技术发明奖二等奖

  2. 2021年获中国纺织工业联合会科学技术进步奖二等奖

  3. 2019年获江苏省科学技术奖三等奖

  4. 2016年获第五届王善元优秀博士学位论文奖

  5. 2014年获苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖


  1. 主持苏州市重点产业技术创新前瞻性应用研究项目:石墨烯纤维结构与性能调控及在智能纺织品中的应用(2019.07-2021.06)。

  2. 主持第66批中国博士后科学基金面上项目:基于干法纺丝的智能石墨烯纤维及器件的研究与应用(2018.05-2020.05)。

  3. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:基于天然纤维的纳米材料原位生成机理、结构及性能研究(2015.01-2017.12)。

  4. 主持江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目:基于棉纤维的纳米材料功能化整理研究(2014.07-2017.06)。

  5. 主持南通市应用基础研究计划项目:改性棉织物对纳米银的调控生成研究(2015.10-2017.09)。

  6. 主要参与国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划):纳米功能化纺织材料关键技术的研究(2012.01-2014.12)。


  1. zhou jiahui, yan yi, zhang yue, zhang yufan, zhang desuo*(通讯作者), lin hong, chen yuyue, zhao bing, xiong jiaqing*. amino-terminated hyperbranched polymer functionalized graphene oxide with in situ trapped silver nanoparticles for high-performance antibacterial nonwoven fabric, journal of applied polymer science, 2023, 140: e53466. (if3.057)

  2. zhou jiahui, zhang yue, zhang qianqian, zhang yufan, zhang zhaofa, zhang desuo*(通讯作者), xiong jiaqing*, lin hong, chen yuyue. silk template enabled multi-hollow graphene fibers for electrochemical electrode, energy technology, 2022, 10(11): 2200601. (if4.149)

  3. zhang zhaofa*, zhang pan, zhang desuo*(通讯作者), lin hong, chen yuyue. wearable resistive-type sensors based on graphene fibers for monitoring human motions, acs applied nano materials, 2022, 5(6): 10912-10921. (if6.14)

  4. wang hongbin, zhang yufan, xiong jiaqing*, zhang desuo*(通讯作者), lin hong*, chen yuyue. regenerated cellulose microspheres-aerogel enabled sustainable removal of metal ions for water remediation, journal of materials science, 2022, 57(16): 8016-8028. (if4.682)

  5. zhang yufan, wu lei, deng heli, qiao na, zhang desuo*(通讯作者), lin hong*, chen yuyue. modified graphene oxide composite aerogels for enhanced adsorption behavior to heavy metal ions, journal of environmental chemical engineering, 2021, 9(5): 106008. (if7.968)

  6. zhou feng, zhang yufan, zhang desuo*(通讯作者), zhang zhaofa, fu fan, zhang xiaohui, yang yefeng, lin hong, chen yuyue. fabrication of robust and self-healing superhydrophobic pet fabrics based on profiled fiber structure, colloids and  surfaces a-physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2021, 609: 125686. (if5.518)

  7. zhang yufan,  fu fan, zhou feng, yang xi, zhang desuo*(通讯作者), chen yuyue*. synergistic effect of rgo/tio2 nanosheets with exposed (001) facets for boosting visible light photocatalytic activity, applied surface science, 2020, 510: 145451. (if7.392)

  8. zhang zhaofa, zhang desuo*(通讯作者), lin hong, chen yuyue*. flexible fiber-shaped supercapacitors with high energy density based on self-twisted graphene fibers, journal of power sources, 2019, 433: 226711. (if9.794)

  9. zhang yufan, fu fan, li yuzhou, zhang desuo*(通讯作者), chen yuyue*. one-step synthesis of ag@tio2 nanoparticles for enhanced photocatalytic performance, nanomaterials, 2018, 8(12): 1032. (if5.719)

  10. zhang zhaofa, zhang pan, zhang desuo*(通讯作者), lin hong, chen yuyue*. a new strategy for the preparation of flexible macroscopic graphene fibers as supercapacitor electrodes, materials and design, 2018, 157: 170-178. (if9.417)

  11. zhang zhaofa, zhang desuo*(通讯作者), lin hong, chen yuyue*. design and fabrication of graphene fibers based on intermolecular forces and charge properties in a novel acidic system, rsc adance, 2016, 6(102): 100040-100045. (if4.036)

  12. desuo zhang*(通讯作者), chenlu jiao, jiaqing xiong, hong lin, and yuyue chen. hyperbranched polymer functional cotton fabric for its in situ deposition of silver nanoparticles, japanese journal of applied physics, 2015, 54(6): 06fh01. (if1.491)

  13. weiwei zhang, desuo zhang*(通讯作者), yuyue chen, and hong lin*. hyperbranched polymer functional tio2 nanoparticles: synthesis and its application for the anti-uv finishing of silk fabric, fibers and polymers, 2015, 16(3): 503-509. (if2.347)

  14. desuo zhang, guangyu zhang, ling chen, yanfen liao, yuyue chen, hong lin*, and hideaki morikawa. synthesis of zno nanoparticles by pnp and its application on the functional finishing of cotton fabrics, fibers and polymers, 2014, 15(9): 1842-1849. (if2.347)

  15. desuo zhang, jiaqing xiong, chenmei li, yan zhang, guoyang william toh, hong lin*, and yuyue chen. synthesis of size-tunable gold nanoparticles polymeric hybrid based on molecular nanocages, micro&nano letters, 2014, 9(4): 235-238. (if0.98)

  16. desuo zhang, xiangyang liu*, jingliang li, hongyao xu, hong lin, and yuyue chen*. design and fabrication of a new class of nano hybrid materials based on reactive polymeric molecular cages, langmuir, 2013, 29(36): 11498-11505. (if4.331)

  17. desuo zhang, guangyu zhang, yanfen liao, cheng wang, yuyue chen, hong lin*, and hideaki morikawa. synthesis of zno nanoparticles in aqueous solution by hyperbranched polymer, materials letters, 2013, 102-103: 98-101. (if3.574)

  18. desuo zhang, ling chen, chuanfeng zang, yuyue chen, and hong lin*. antibacterial cotton fabric grafted with silver nanoparticles and its excellent laundering durability, carbohydrate polymers, 2013, 92(2): 2088-2094. (if10.723)

  19. desuo zhang, ling chen, di fang, guoyang william toh, xinxia yue, yuyue chen, and hong lin*. in situ generation and deposition of nano-zno on cotton fabric by hyperbranched polymer for its functional finishing, textile research journal, 2013, 83(15): 1625-1633. (if2.455)

  20. desuo zhang, guangyu zhang, ling chen, yanfen liao, yuyue chen, and hong lin*. multifunctional finishing of cotton fabric based on in situ fabrication of polymer-hybrid nanoparticles, journal of applied polymer science, 2013, 130(5): 3778-3784. (if3.057)

  21. desuo zhang, guoyang william toh, hong lin*, and yuyue chen. in situ synthesis of silver nanoparticles on silk fabric with pnp for antibacterial finishing, journal of materials science, 2012, 47(15): 5721-5728. (if4.682)



