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常广涛,副研究员,硕士生导师,轻化系副主任。2005年获四川大学高分子材料与工程学士学位,2011年获复旦大学高分子化学与物理博士学位,后在企业工作7余年,于201810月加盟苏州大学。以一作/通讯作者发表文章近30篇,授权专利13项,实现专利转化7项,主持各类项目10余项。主要从事面向应用的基础研究工作,在喷墨技术,柔性穿戴,功能材料合成方面着力较多。曾获江苏省科学技术三等奖,中纺联科技进步一等奖,一作文章曾获冯新德高分子奖最佳论文提名奖,esi highly cited papers (last 10 year)等荣誉。


[1] nie lun, chen yufeng, dong yingping, li ruoxin*, chang guangtao*. development of high-performance, chemical pretreatment-free dye-based inks for digital printing on polyester fabric[j]. colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2023, 678. (if/5.2, 2022)

[2] dong yingping, nie lun, chen yufeng,chang guangtao*, li ruoxin*. development of uv monomer-contained dye inks for high-quality printing application on polyester fabrics without pretreatment[j]. progress in organic coatings, 2023, 184. (if/6.6, 2022)

[3] nie lun, xu xiaohua, chen yufeng, dong yingping, chang guangtao*, li ruoxin*. development of binder-free pigment inks for direct inkjet printing on cotton fabric without pretreatment.[j]. langmuir : the acs journal of surfaces and colloids, 2023, 39. (if/3.9, 2022)

[4] zhao tiantian, yang heng, xu xiaohua, chang guangtao*, li ruoxin*. modification of hollow expanded microsphere with superior thermal insulation properties and its applications.[j]. chemistry, an asian journal, 2023, 18 (6). (if/4.1, 2022)

[5] nie lun, dong yingping, chen yufeng, chang guangtao*, li ruoxin*. a study for self-dispersing pigment-based inks printing on various fabrics[j]. colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2023, 658. (if/5.2, 2022)

[6] xu bingbing, ye feng, chen ronghu, luo xiaogang, xue zhebin, li ruoxin*, chang guangtao*. a supersensitive wearable sensor constructed with pdms porous foam and multi-integrated conductive pathways structure[j]. ceramics international, 2023, 49. (if/5.2, 2022)

[7] ye feng, xu bingbing, chen ronghu, li ruoxin*, chang guangtao*. the influence of nano-and micron-size of mxene flakes on the electrochemical performance[j]. electronic materials letters, 2023, 19.(if/2.4, 2022)

[8] ye feng, xu bingbing, chen ronghu, li ruoxin*, chang guangtao*. a high performance flexible cotton-based supercapacitor prepared by in-situ polyaniline and mxene coating[j]. journal of energy storage, 2023, 62. (if/9.4, 2022)

[9] qi miao, wang ying, chang guangtao*, li ruoxin*. energy-saving cooling coated fabric with robust solar reflection and water repellent properties[j]. fibers and polymers, 2022, 23.(if/2.5, 2022)

[10] xu bingbing, ye feng, chen ronghu, luo xiaogang, chang guangtao*, li ruoxin*. a wide sensing range and high sensitivity flexible strain sensor based on carbon nanotubes and mxene[j]. ceramics international, 2022, 48.(if/5.2, 2022)

[11] li yan, sun xiaoshi, chang guangtao*, li ruoxin*. novel inkjet direct printing technology based on thermosensitive sol–gel transition inks[j]. textile research journal, 2022, 92. (if/2.3, 2022)

[12] wang ying, qi miao, chang guangtao*, li ruoxin*. synergically effective thermal conductivity of pu coating using different combinations of additives[j]. materials letters, 2021, 297. (if/3.0, 2022)

[13] bingbing xu, chang guangtao*, li ruoxin*. a versatile approach for preparing stable and high concentration liquid metal nanoparticles on a large scale[j]. journal of dispersion science and technology, 2020, 42. (if/2.2, 2022)

[14] zhang tao, chang guangtao*, guo qipeng. thermoreversible polymer gels in dmf formed from charge- and crystallization-induced assembly[j]. polymers, 2020, 12. (if/5.0, 2022)

[15] bingbing x,feng y, chang guangtao*, li ruoxin*. a simple and cost-effective method for producing stable surfactant-coated egain liquid metal nanodroplets [j]. materials, 2020, 13. (if/3.4, 2022)

[16] lun nie, chang guangtao*, ruoxin li*. preparation and characterization of self-dispersing phthalocyanine blue 15:4 pigment for dyeing of wool textiles[j]. coatings, 2020, 10. (if/3.4, 2022)

[17] chang guangtao*, chenlei, lizhanxiong. preparation of tetrafluoro-λ6-sulfanyl bridged-bonding perfluoroalkyl phenylethyltrichlorosilane and its application on fabric finishing [j]. materials research express, 2020, 7. (if/2.3, 2022)

[18] chang guangtao*, tianyuan ci, lin yu, jiandong ding. enhancement of the fraction of the active form of an antitumor drug topotecan via an injectable hydrogel[j]. journal of controlled release, 2011, 156. (if/10.8, 2022)

[19] chang guangtao, li chong, lu weiyue, ding jiandong. n-boc-histidine-capped plga-peg-plga as a smart polymer for drug delivery sensitive to tumor extracellular ph.[j]. macromolecular bioscience, 2010, 10. (if/4.6, 2022)

[20] chang guangtao, lin yu, zigang yang, jiandong ding. a delicate ionizable-group effect on self-assembly and thermogelling of amphiphilic block copolymers in water[j]. polymer, 2009, 50. (if/4.6, 2022)

[21] yu lin, chang guangtao, zhang huan, ding jian dong. injectable block copolymer hydrogels for sustained release of a pegylated drug.[j]. international journal of pharmaceutics, 2008, 348. (if/5.8, 2022)


[1] 常广涛, 陈玉锋, 李克金, 李燕, 江春晓, 孙赞雨, 李若欣. 一种聚醚/聚酯二嵌段共聚物作为分散剂在制备液体分散染料色浆中的应用[p]. 江苏省: cn115029940b, 2024-02-09.

[2] 常广涛, 赵甜甜, 王耀明, 李若欣. 一种氧化锌包覆改性中空热膨胀微球及其制备方法与应用[p]. 江苏省: cn115785514b, 2023-08-11.

[3] 常广涛, 赵甜甜, 李若欣, 綦淼. 一种氧化锡锑涂覆改性中空热膨胀微球隔热涂料及其制备方法[p]. 江苏省: cn115044240b, 2023-05-12.

[4] 常广涛, 徐兵兵, 李若欣. 一种液态金属纳米液滴大规模制备方法[p]. 江苏省: cn110605400b, 2022-05-31.

[5] 常广涛, 徐兵兵, 李若欣. 一种利用氨基酸作为配体制备液态金属纳米颗粒的方法[p]. 江苏省: cn110625125b, 2022-05-24.

[6] 常广涛, 綦淼, 王颖, 李若欣. 一种防水隔热涂层剂的制备方法及应用[p]. 江苏省: cn112553914b, 2022-03-11.

[7] 常广涛, 徐兵兵, 李若欣. 一种新型表面活性剂的合成及由其制备稳定的液态金属纳米液滴[p]. 江苏省: cn110585992b, 2021-09-14.

[8] 李若欣, 陈国强, 常广涛, 封其都. 一种基于水性碳黑纳米色浆的尼龙6原位着色切片及其制备方法[p]. 江苏省: cn112795007b, 2021-06-29.

[9] 李若欣, 陈国强, 常广涛, 封其都. 一种尼龙6原位着色切片及其制备方法[p]. 江苏省: cn112724399b, 2021-06-22.

