洪岩,男,工学、设计学博士,英国皇家艺术学会会士,中国科协青年托举人才,中国博士后国际交流计划引进人才,苏州大学优秀青年学者,现任苏州大学服装设计与工程系副主任、教授、硕士研究生导师,江苏省高校可持续纺织材料与工程国际合作联合实验室执行主任,兼任中国纺织工程学会纺织工业人工智能专业委员会委员,中国纺织工程学会青年工作委员会委员,中国毛纺协会时尚与艺术委员会委员,中国服装数字化转型创新中心专家委员会委员,中国技术创业协会制造业创新创业工作委员会委员,《industria textila》、《advanced materials & sustainable manufacturing》编委(sci期刊),《sustainability》(sci&ssci双期刊)客座编委,《纺织学报》和《现代纺织技术》(中文核刊)青年编委,牛顿商学院emba导师,太原理工大学、常熟理工学院、上海杉达学院等高校兼职教授,鄂尔多斯集团、汇洁集团顾问。
主要研究方向为服装数字化设计与可持续设计,服装消费、营销与品牌策略,工业(服装)智能设计系统。先后主持欧盟地平线2020计划、国家自然科学基金等十余项科研项目,其中省部级以上项目8项,发表高水平论文近百篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在ieee tii等国际高水平期刊发表sci论文40余篇,授权专利4项。作为主要专家参与了《中国服装行业科技创新白皮书》、《中国可持续时尚消费人群调研报告》撰写。研究成果先后获得欧洲创新博览会金奖、罗马尼亚国家技术发明奖金奖、flins2016最佳论文奖。
在产业实践与合作方面,现任法国carlin设计流行及品牌策划机构中国区代表。2014年受邀在香港时装周发布作品,2017年入选法国maisons de mode设计师孵化计划,连续三年受法国政府全额资助于巴黎时装周进行作品动态发布。其他动静态作品展出包括法国48h maisons de mode、拉脱维亚riga时装周、南京旗袍博物馆、法国fashiontech day、法国48hmaisons de mode等。合作的品牌包括法国开云集团,法国香奈尔集团,法国lectra,法国martin grant、中国伊维斯等。设计作品曾被《时尚芭莎》、《时装》等国际媒体报道。
2022年至今 英国皇家艺术学会会士
2021年至今 中国科协青年人才托举工程
2018年-2021年 中国博士后国际交流计划引进项目
2017年至今 法国maisons de mode计划入选设计师
2017年至今 欧盟united fashion成员
全球知识工程和决策支持中不确定信息建模大会 (flins 2016)最佳论文奖
欧洲创新博览会(european exhibition of creativity and innovation)金奖(2016年)
罗马尼亚国家发明研究院(national institute of inventics, romania)金奖(2016年)
指导学生先后获得全国高校数字艺术设计大赛(未来设计师ncda大赛)、 江苏省互联网大赛、“汇创青春”上海大学生文化创意作品展示活动、“lily商务时装·东华杯”中国大学生服装立体裁剪设计大赛、东方杯·中国女装设计大赛、“南山智尚杯”中国正装设计大赛、江苏省服装院校学生设计大赛等各类学科竞赛获省部级及以上奖项百余人次
《fashion introduction服装导论》(副主编,十三五规划教材)、
国家自然科学基金青年基金 (国家级、主持)(2019-2022)
中国博士后国际交流计划派出项目引进计划(省部级、主持) (2019-2021)
中国科协青年人才托举工程(国家级、主持) (2021-2024)
欧盟水平线2020 (参与)(2017-2020)
2014年度法国国家科技署开放课题 (参与) (2014-2018)
2017年度法国国家科技署开放课题 (参与) (2014-2018)
法国chanel(香奈儿)公司1927古裙修复项目(主持) (2018-2019)
上海服装集团可持续时尚空间打造项目(主持) (2019-2020)
法国martingrant品牌升级项目(主持) (2018-2019)
法国新生奢侈品孵化计划(主持) (2018-2021)
拉脱维亚首都riga时装周(主持) (2018-2021)
martin grant品牌升级项目(主持) (2019-2020)
1. hong, y., zeng, x., wang, y., bruniaux, p., & chen, y. (2018). cbcrs: an open case-based color recommendation system. knowledge-based systems, 141, 113-128. (sci一区top,if: 8.038)
2. y. hong, t. wu, x. zeng, y. wang, w. yang and z. pan. (2019). knowledge-based open performance measurement system (kbo-pms) for a garment product development process in big data environment. ieee access, 7, 129910-129929. (sci二区top,if: 3.367)
3. chen, l. l., lou, l. q., liu, c. y., & hong, y*. (2021). color tunable luminescent cellulose acetate nanofibers functionalized by cui-based complexes. cellulose, 28(3), 1421-1430. (sci二区top,if: 5.044)
4. hong, y.; liu, c.; cao, x.; chen, y.; chen, c.; chen, y.; pan, z. process evaluation of the metal-organic frameworks for the application of personal protective equipment with filtration function. polymers 2018, 10, 1386. (sci三区,if: 4.329)
5. hong, y., zeng, x., bruniaux, p., & liu, k. (2017). interactive virtual try-on based three-dimensional garment block design for disabled people of scoliosis type. textile research journal, 87(10), 1261-1274. (sci二区,if: 1.82)
6. hong, y., bruniaux, p., zeng, x., curteza, a., & liu, k. (2018). design and evaluation of personalized garment block for atypical morphology using the knowledge-supported virtual simulation method. textile research journal, 88(15), 1721–1734. (sci二区,if: 1.82)
7. hong, y., zeng, x., bruniaux, p., chen, y., & zhang, x. (2018). development of a new knowledge-based fabric recommendation system by integrating the collaborative design process and multi-criteria decision support. textile research journal, 88(23), 2682–2698. (sci二区,if: 1.82)
8. hong, y., zeng, x., bruniaux, p., curteza, a., stelian, m., & chen, y. (2018). garment opening position evaluation using kinesiological analysis of dressing activities: case study of physically disabled people with scoliosis (pdps). textile research journal, 88(20), 2303–2318. (sci二区,if: 1.82)
9. zhang, j., zeng, x., dong, m., & hong, y*. (2021). garment recommendation in an e-shopping environment by using a markov chain and complex network integrated method. textile research journal, 00405175211021442. (sci二区,if: 1.82)
10. hong, y., bruniaux, p., zeng, x., liu, k., curteza, a., & chen, y. (2018). visual-simulation-based personalized garment block design method for physically disabled people with scoliosis (pdps). autex research journal, 18(1), 35-45. (sci三区,if: 1.375)
11. abtew, m. a., kumari, a., babu, a., & hong, y. (2020). statistical analysis of standard allowed minute on sewing efficiency in apparel industry. autex research journal, 20(4), 359-365. (sci三区,if: 1.375)
12. hong, y., bruniaux, p., zeng, x., & dong, m. (2017). virtual reality-based collaborative design method for designing customized garment for disabled people with scoliosis. international journal of clothing science and technology, 29(2), 226-237. (sci四区,if: 0.969)
13. hong, y., zeng, x., bruniaux, p., liu, k., chen y., framework of consumer perceived value on fashion products for female college students in france. industria textila. 2018, 69(6), 495-501. (sci四区,if: 0.784)
14. hong, y., zeng x, bruniaux p, liu k, chen y. collaborative 3d-to-2d tight-fitting garment pattern design process for scoliotic people. fibres & textiles in eastern europe, 2017; 25, 5(125): 113-117. (sci四区,if: 1.045)
15. hong, y., bruniaux, p., zhang j., liu k., dong m., chen y. application of 3d-to-2d garment design for atypical morphology: a design case for physically disabled people with scoliosis. industria textila, 2018, 69(1), 59-64. (sci四区,if: 0.784)
16. hong, y., chen, y., pan, zj., chen, y. (2020). a conceptual wearable monitoring system for physiological indices and clothing microclimate measurement. international journal of clothing science and technology, 29(2), 226-237. (sci四区,if: 0.969)
17. ling, x., hong, y.*, & pan, z. (2020). development of a dress design knowledge base (ddkb) based on sensory evaluation and fuzzy logic. international journal of clothing science and technology. (sci四区,if: 0.969)
18. yu, f., liu, c., hong y.*, development of a hat style recognition system based on image processing and machine learning. industria textila. 2022, 73(2), 204-212. (sci四区,if: 0.784)
19. abtew, m. a., boussu, f., bruniaux, p., & hong, y*. (2021). dynamic impact surface damage analysis of 3d woven para-aramid armour panels using ndi technique. polymers, 13(6), 877. ((sci三区,if: 4.329))
20. lili chen, yan hong*. research on the application of collaborative learning in the practice teaching of garment 3d virtual fitting. industria textila. 2022, 73(2), 113-120. (sci四区,if: 0.784)
21. hong, y., xue, z., liu, c., & dai, x. (2020). development of mask design knowledge base based on sensory evaluation and fuzzy logic. autex research journal, 1. (sci三区,if: 1.375)
22. chen, y., bruniaux, p., sun, y., & hong, y*. (2020). modelization and identification of medical compression stocking: part 2–3d interface pressure modelization. textile research journal, 90(19-20), 2184-2197. (sci二区,if: 1.82)
23. xie, x.; hong, y.*; zeng, x.; dai, x.; wagner, m. a systematic literature review for the recycling and reuse of wasted clothing. sustainability, 2021, 13(24), 13732. (sci三区&ssci,if: 3.251)
24. lili chen, yan hong*. research on experiment teaching of anthropometry and virtual clothing design based on gagné information processing theory. industria textila, 2022, 73(5), 471–478. (sci四区,if: 0.784)
25. dai, x., zeng, x., liu, s., & hong, y*. (2022). is skin pressure in load carriage over-evaluated?. journal of biomechanics, 130, 110854. (sci二区,if: 2.798)
26. ling, x., zhenyu, j., hong, y.*, & pan, z. (2022). development of novel fashion design knowledge base by integrating conflict rule processing mechanism and its application in personalized fashion recommendations. textile research journal, 00405175221129868. (sci二区,if: 1.82)
27. wu, b., xie, x., ke, w., bao, h., duan, z., jin, z., ... & hong, y*. (2022). merchandising for sustainable fashion: a systematic literature review. sustainability, 14(20), 13422. (sci三区&ssci,if: 3.251)
28. bao, h., hong, y.*, yan, t., xie, x., & zeng, x. (2023). a systematic review of biodegradable materials in the textile and apparel industry. the journal of the textile institute, 1-20. (sci四区,if: 1.7)
29. wei, l.; wang, x.; wang, t.; duan, z.; hong, y.*; he, x.; huang, h. recommendation systems for the metaverse. blockchains 2023, 1, 19-33.
30.tang, h., hong, y.*, li, w., jiang, c., & liu, s. (2023). consuming perception analysis of the yoga wear using fuzzy ahp model. industria textila, 74(3). (sci四区,if: 0.784)
31. hu, j., wang, p., xue, j., han, r., xu, t., hong, y.*, & yang, y. (2023). the influence of hybrid effect on mechanical properties and acoustic performance of hybrid fiber wet-laid felts. cellulose, 1-15. (sci二区top,if: 5.044)
32. mao, h., & hong, y.*. (2023). research on modelling and stability of seamless dust removal system based on generalized system. industria textila, 74(3), 337-345. (sci四区,if: 0.784)
33.洪岩,包惠颖,吴波.生物可降解材料在服装行业的应用现状及发展趋势[j].服装学报,2022,7(02):95-100. (中文核心,ei)
35. 张莉,许君,马大力,蒋蕾,洪岩.基于主观评价和熵权-topsis的虚拟试衣软件评价[j].毛纺科技,2022,50(11):80-87.
2. hong, y., zeng, x., bruniaux, p., & chen, y. (2018, may). evaluation of fashion design using artificial intelligence tools. in artificial intelligence for fashion industry in the big data era. springer, cham. (doi10.1007/978-981-13-0080-6_12)
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[3] 洪岩,刘春玉.荧光纤维材料及其制备方法.中国,发明专利,专利号:zl202110099739.2. 2020.
[4] 洪岩,陈丁丁,龚夏怡,鲁采菲,薛萧昱.一种多功能服装.中国,实用新型专利,专利号:zl202022232808.6. 2021.
[5] 陈郁,洪岩,孔强龙. 一种基于三维人体扫描的腕骨平面自动搜寻方法.中国,发明专利,专利号:zl201910681650.x. 2022.