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徐玉康 硕士生导师


徐玉康,198907月生,副教授,硕士生导师。201807月毕业博士毕业于上海东华大学非织造材料与工程专业,201610-201710月赴新加坡南洋理工大学进行为期一年的交流访学。201811月进入苏州大学纺织与服装工程学院工作。目前已主持完成国家级、省部级及产学研合作项目10余项,发表sci/ei论文10余篇、授权发明专利/实用新型专利超过20项;在国内外学术大会上做邀请报告10余次,担任nano research国际学术期刊等审稿人;兼任新加坡/香港交叉科学促进会 (society of interdisciplinary research) 副主席。









4、中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等教育教学成果奖, "全面联动、全程优化、全员参与"非织造专业课程教学模式的创新与实践,一等奖,2021.












1. yukang xu, * lei wang, guangliang tian, yuanyuan li, ping wang, zhijuan pan and xiangyu jin. manufacturing of polytetrafluoroethylene fine fibers by waterjet impacting[j]. rsc advances, 2021, 11: 36596-36606.

2. xueyang song, cuicui fang, yuanyuan li, ping wang, yan zhang and yukang xu*. characterization of mechanical properties of jute/pla composites containing nano sio2 modified by coupling agents[j]. cellulose, 2022, 29: 835-848.

3. zhimei chen, qiuyan wang, yan zhang, ping wang, yuanyuan li*, yukang xu*. failure mechanism of thermo-mechanical coupling of 3d braided composites with different thickness under high strain-rate punch shear loading[j]. composite structures,2022, 279: 114826.

4. sara mosleh, mulat alubel abtew*, pascal bruniaux, guillaume tartare, yukang xu *, yan chen. 3d digital adaptive thorax modelling of peoples with spinal disabilities: applications for performance clothing design[j]. applied sciences, 2021, 11(10), 4545.

5. zhang, jiawen; zhang, yan; li, yuanyuan; ye, xu; wang, ping; xu, yukang*. fabrication of conductive poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) coated polyester nonwoven fabric and its application on flexible piezoresistive pressure sensors[j].  acs applied electronic materials , 2021, 3, 7, 3177–3184.

6. yuxiao wang, yukang xu, dan wang, yinjiang zhang, xing zhang, jinxin liu, yi zhao, chen huang, and xiangyu jin*. polytetrafluoroethylene/polyphenylene sulfide needle-punched triboelectric air filter for efficient particulate matter removal[j]. acs applied materials & interfaces, 2019, 11(51): 48437–48449.

7. yukang xu, shang zhu, yinjiang zhang et al., comparing accuracy of the methods of the polytetrafluoroethylene fiber linear density measurement[j]. textile research journal , 2019, 89(5): 675 - 687.

8. yukang xu, chen huang, xiangyu jin. a comparative study of characteristics of polytetrafluoroethylene fibers manufactured by various processes[j]. journal of applied polymer science, 2016, 133(26), 43553.

9. yukang xu , shang zhu, yinjiang zhang et al., effects of stretching parameters on morphological and mechanicalproperties of polytetrafluoroethylene filaments, journal of donghua university (english editon), 2017 04 30 , 34(2):293 297.

10. 徐玉康, 朱尚, 靳向煜. 聚四氟乙烯耐腐蚀过滤材料结构特征及发展趋势[j].纺织学报, 2017, 38(08): 161-171.

11. 徐玉康, 靳向煜. 非织造材料传输植物营养液性能及其应用[j]. 东华大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, (02): 244-248.

12. qian wang, yan zhang, yuanyuan li, yukang xu, yinchang liao, xuhong yang, ping wang*. a new perspective on the needle-puncture property of silkworm cocoons with a hierarchical multi-layer structure[j]. composites communications, 2020, 22: 100539.

13. shang zhu, yukang xu, chen huang etal., triboelectric effect of polytetrafluoroethylene fibers to improve the filtration performance of air-purified materials[j]. journal of engineered fibers and fabrics, 2018, 13(1): 1-12.

14. yinjiang zhang, yukang xu, yi zhao, chen huang, xiangyu jin. effects of short-cut fiber type and water-jet pressure sum on wet strength and dispersibility of wood pulp-based wetlaid/spunlace wipes[j]. european journal of wood and wood products, 2019, 77: 33–43.

15. yu song, xin chen, kangli xu, haoxuan li, yukang xu, haibo wu, jie wu, and chen huang*. green and scalable fabrication of nonwoven composites featured with anisotropic water penetration[j]. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2019, 7(24): 19679–19685.


1. 徐玉康,吴昕蒙,陈迎妹,陈银青,薛士临. 一种聚四氟乙烯纤维的快速制造方法, 专利号:zl202110282548x.

2. 徐玉康,吴昕蒙,陈迎妹,陈银青,薛士临. 一种低收缩聚四氟乙烯长丝规模化制备方法, 专利号:zl2021102813923.

3. 韩愈,鲜孟森,姜静文,徐玉康. 一种用于卫生材料的复合非织造材料, 专利号:zl202221222957.7.

4. 吕继发, 徐玉康, 刘佳伟. 一种可降解弹性材料、非织造材料及其制备方法, 专利号:zl202211318723.7.

5. 段意洋, 王璇, 徐玉康. 一种适用于ptfe粉末和陶瓷微珠的搅拌复合及冷却装置, 专利号:zl202321140920.4.

6. 徐玉康, 陈迎妹, 朱天柱, 薛士临. 一种聚四氟乙烯微纤基高精度覆膜滤料及其制备方法, 专利号:zl202210928145.2.

7. 徐玉康, 薛士临, 陈银青, 陈迎妹. 一种高质量密度均匀度的聚四氟乙烯扁平长丝制备方法, 专利号:zl202210725682.7.

8. 薛士临, 徐玉康, 陈迎妹, 陈银青. 一种质量密度均匀度高的聚四氟乙烯挤出长丝制备方法, 专利号:zl202210725681.2.

9. 徐玉康, 陈迎妹, 朱天柱, 薛士临. 一种基于冷却控制法的聚四氟乙烯微细纤维的制造方法, 专利号:cn202210899043.2.

10. 徐玉康, 吴昕蒙, 陈迎妹, 陈银青, 薛士临. 一种低线密度束状聚四氟乙烯长丝及其制备工艺和用途, 专利号:zl202110309507.5.

11. 薛士临, 徐玉康, 陈银青, 吴海波, 陈迎妹, 朱尚, 杜婷婷, 贾亚楠. 一种聚四氟乙烯膜裂短纤维再开纤方法及其装置,专利号:zl201610002733.8.

12. 薛士临, 徐玉康, 陈银青, 靳向煜, 陈迎妹, 朱尚, 杜婷婷, 贾亚楠. 用于减少聚四氟乙烯膜裂纤维毛羽的方法,专利号:zl201610003887.9.

13. 徐玉康, 薛士临, 张建军, 陈迎妹, 陈银青, 王玉晓, 王猛. 制造滤料基布用的ptfe长纤维的膜放卷装置,专利号:cn208666689u.

14. 徐玉康, 薛士临, 张建军, 陈迎妹, 陈银青, 王玉晓, 王猛. 用于制造ptfe膜裂纤维的膜放卷装置,专利号:cn208166164u.

15. 薛士临, 徐玉康, 陈银青, 陈迎妹, 王猛. 一种聚四氟乙烯牙线制备方法及系统,专利号:cn202110276902.8.




