王哲,工学博士,特聘副教授,硕士生导师。2017年7月获得苏州大学纺织材料与纺织品设计专业博士学位,2016年1月至2017年1月于新加坡国立大学联合博士,2017年12月至2022年8月于新加坡南洋理工大学从事博士后研究工作,2022年9月受聘于苏州大学纺织与服装工程学院。主要从事纳米纤维材料及单原子催化材料在新能源存储技术与环境防护等领域的研究工作,目前在adv. mater., acs nano, nano lett., adv. funct. mater., appl. catal. b, small, j. mater. chem. a等期刊发表sci论文30余篇;授权国家发明专利3项;以主要参与人参与新加坡科学技术局(a*star)、新加坡教育部(moe)、新加坡科学工程研究委员会等多项基金项目。
1. “王善元”优秀博士学位论文 (2021)
2. 江苏省优秀博士学位论文(2018)
3. 中国纺织工程学会优秀博士学位论文(2017)
4. 苏州大学优秀博士学位论文 (2017)
5. 苏州大学优秀毕业生(2017)
z. wang*, x. jin, r. xu, z. yang, s. ma, t. yan, c. zhu, j. fang, y. liu, s.-j. hwang*, z. pan*, and h. j. fan*, cooperation between dual metal atoms and nanoclusters enhances activity and stability for oxygen reduction and evolution. acs nano,2023, .
j.-l. yang, p. yang, d.-q. cai, z. wang*, and h. j. fan*, atomically dispersed fe−n4 and ni−n4 independent sites enable bidirectional sulfur redox electrocatalysis. nano lett.,2023, .
z. wang, x. jin, c. zhu, y. liu, h. tan, r. ku, y. zhang, l. zhou*, z. liu, s.-j. hwang*, h. j. fan*, atomically dispersed co2-n6 and fe-n4 co-structures boost oxygen reduction reaction in both alkaline and acidic media. adv. mater.2021, 33, 2104718.
z. wang, c. zhu, h. tan, j. liu, l. xu, y. zhang, y. liu*, x. zou, z. liu*, and x. lu*, understanding the synergistic effects of cobalt single atoms and small nanoparticles: enhancing oxygen reduction reaction catalytic activity and stability for zinc-air batteries. adv. funct. mater., 2021, 31, 2104735.
z. wang, j. ang, j. liu, x. y. d. ma, j. kong, y. zhang, t. yan, and x. lu*, feni alloys encapsulated in n-doped cnts-tangled porous carbon fibers as highly efficient and durable bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst for rechargeable zinc-air battery. appl. catal. b, 2020, 263, 118344.
z. wang, j. ang, b. zhang, y. zhang, x. y. d. ma, t. yan, j. liu, b. che, y. huang, and x. lu*, feco/feconi/n-doped carbon nanotubes grafted polyhedron-derived hybrid fibers as bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysts for durable rechargeable zinc–air battery. appl. catal. b, 2019, 254, 26-36.
z. wang, h. he, s. liu, h. wang, q. zeng, z. liu, q. xiong, and h. j. fan*, air stable organic-inorganic perovskite nanocrystals@polymer nanofibers and waveguide lasing, small, 2020, 16, 2004409.
z. wang, s. peng*, y. hu, l. li, t. yan, g. yang, d. ji, s. madhavi, z. pan*, r. seeram. cobalt nanoparticles encapsulated in carbon nanotube‐grafted nitrogen and sulfur co‐doped multichannel carbon fibers as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysts. j. mater. chem. a, 2017, 5, 4949‐ 4961.
z. wang, y. zhang, x. y. d. ma, j. ang, z. zeng, b. f. ng, m. p. wan, s.-c. wong, and x. lu*, polymer/mof-derived multilayer fibrous membranes for moisture-wicking and efficient capturing both fine and ultrafine airborne particles. sep. purif. technol., 2020, 235, 116183.
z. wang, z. pan*, preparation of hierarchical structured nano‐sized/porous poly (lactic acid) composite fibrous membranes for air filtration. appl. surf. sci., 2015, 356: 1168‐1179.
z. wang, c. zhao, z. pan*, porous bead‐on‐string poly (lactic acid) fibrous membranes for air filtration. j. colloid interf. sci., 2015, 441: 121‐129.
y. tao, z. wang, y.-q. wang, and z. pan*. carbon/graphene composite nanofiber yarns for highly sensitive strain sensors. mater. design, 2018, 143, 214-223.
y. tao, z. wang, and z. pan*. flexible strain sensors fabricated using carbon-based nanomaterials: a review. curr. opin. solid state mater. sci., 2018, 22, 213-228.
y. tao, z. wang, and z. pan*. a highly sensitive strain sensor based on a carbonized polyacrylonitrile nanofiber woven fabric. j. mater. sci., 2018, 53, 11917-11931.
j. liu, x. y. d. ma, z. wang, l. xu, t. xu, c. he, f. wang, and x. lu*, highly stable and rapid switching electrochromic thin films based on metal–organic frameworks with redox-active triphenylamine ligands. acs appl. mater. interfaces, 2020, 12, 7442-7450.
[1] 王哲,潘志娟,一种高效低阻型交错排列纳米纤维复合材料及其制备方法[p]. 专利号:zl201610041568.7
[2] 王哲,潘志娟,一种抗菌型纳米纤维复合材料及其制备方法[p]. 专利号:zl201610040399.5
[3] 潘志娟,王哲,一种串珠状多孔pla纳米纤维的制备方法和应用[p],专利号:zl201410133374.0