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方剑,工学博士,特聘教授,博士生导师。先后于武汉纺织大学纺织工程专业和东华大学纺织材料与纺织品设计专业获得学士和硕士学位。2009年在澳大利亚迪肯大学(deakin university)获得材料工程博士学位。入选第十五批“海外高层次人才计划”青年项目,2019年受聘于苏州大学。2020年入选江苏省“双创人才”。中国纺织工程学会青年工作委员会委员,中国工程院院刊engineering青年通讯专家,advanced fiber materialsescience青年编委。近年来已主持和参与科研项目20项,迄今已在energy & environmental science, advanced materials, advancedfunctional materials, nature communications, small, nano energy, applied catalysis b: environmental国际学术期刊发表文章130余篇,学术著作3部,编辑图书1部,图书章节8章。











  1. 中国纺织工业联合会应用基础研究项目,2022-2025,主持

  2. 苏州宝丽迪功能材料研究院开放课题,2022-2024,主持

  3. 国家重点研发计划,2022-2025,项目骨干

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022-2025,主持

  5. 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究重大项目,2022-2024,主持

  6. 横向科研项目,2021-2024,主持

  7. 青年海外高层次人才引进计划项目,2019-2022, 主持

  8. 姑苏创新领军人才项目2019-2022,主持

8澳大利亚研究理事会(arcdiscovery project, 2018-2020主申请人(chief investigator),2/2


  1. c ge, x wu, j li, k liu*, d xu*, c gao, y liu, p sun, z sun, j fang*, cactus-inspired moisture harvesting for sustainable and efficient high salinity desalination, desalination, 2024, 583, 117738.

  2. c ge, dxu, y song, y liu, x feng, c gao, z chen, k liu, z sun*, j fang*, fibrous solar evaporator with tunable water flow forefficient, self-operating, and sustainable hydroelectricity generation, advanced functional materials, 2024, 2403608.

  3. d xu, c gao, c ge, y liu, l yang, z peng, c ye, z chen, k liu, q zhang*, w xu*, j fang*, integrated firefighting textile with temperature and pressure monitoring for personal defense, acs sensors, 2024,.

  4. d xu, c ge, c gao, q zhang*, z chen, y liu, k liu, w xu*, j fang*, sweat and microwave manageable textiles for efficient personal thermal comfort and electromagnetic radiation defend, composites science and technology, 2024, 252, 110622.

  5. d xu, c gao, y liu, c ge, y wei, z peng, k liu, y hong, w xu*, j fang*, heat-resistant core-sheath yarn sensor with highdurability and thermal adaptivity for fire rescue, device, 2024, 100366.

  6. h li, g yan*, h zhao, p howlett, x wang*, j fang*, earthworm-inspired co/co3o4/cof2@nsc nanofibrous electrocatalyst with confined channels for enhanced orr/oer performance, advanced materials, 2024,

  7. w akram, r mia*, s ullah, m assiri, j fang*, simultaneous synthesis and application of tio2 nanoparticles using mulberry leaves for functionalization of organic cotton fabric,journalof cleaner production, 2024, 440, 140939.

  8. y liu, d xu, c ge, c gao, y wei, z chen, z su, k liu, w xu*, j fang*, bifunctional smart textiles with simultaneous motion monitoring and thermotherapy for human joint injuries. advanced science, 2023, 2305312.

  9. h li, h zhao, g yan*, g huang, c ge, m forsyth, p howlett, x wang*, j fang*, ternary heteroatomic doping induced microenvironment engineering of low fe-n4-loaded carbon nanofibers for bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysis, small, 2023, 202304844.

  10. c ge, d xu, y qian, h du, c gao, z shen, z sun, j fang*, carbon materials for hybrid evaporation-induced electricity generation systems, green chemistry, 2023, 25, 7470-7484.

  11. d xu, y liu, c ge, c gao, z chen, z su, h gong, w xu*, j fang*, chemical resistant yarn with hierarchical core-shell structure for safety monitoring and tunable thermal management in high-risk environments, engineering, 2024, 217-225.

  12. c ge, d xu, h du, x zhang, z song, h zhao, z chen, b song, zshen, cgao, g yan, w xu, j fang*, all-in-one evaporators for efficient solar-driven simultaneous collection of water and electricity, small methods, 2023, 2300227.

  13. b song, h zhao, g zhao, h li, c ge, g yan*, j fang*, bifunctional carbon nanofibrous interlayer embedded with cobalt single atoms for polysulfides trapping and catalysis in lithium-sulfur batteries, chemical engineering journal, 2023, 460, 141907.

  14. c ge, d xu, z chen, j chen, z shen, w xu, q zhang*, j fang*, recent advances in fibrous materials for interfacial solar steamgeneration, advanced fiber materials, 2023, 5, 791-818.

  15. d xu, z chen, y liu, c ge, c gao, l jiao, w guo, q zhang*, j fang*, w xu*, hump-inspired hierarchical fabric for personal thermal protection and thermal comfort management, advanced functional materials, 2023, 2212626.

  16. wasim akram, q chen, g xia, j fang*, a review of single electrode triboelectric nanogenerators, nano energy, 2023, 108043.

  17. g xia, g wang, h yang, w wang*, j fang*, piezoelectric charge induced hydrophilic poly(l-lactic acid) nanofiber for electro-topographical stimulation enabling stem cell differentiation and expansion, nano energy, 2022, 102, 107690

  18. g xia, b song, j fang*, electrical stimulation enabled via electrospun piezoelectricpolymeric nanofibers for tissue regeneration, research, 2022, article id 9896274

  19. m luo, m li*, s jiang, h shao, j razal, d wang, j fang*, supported growth of inorganic-organic hybrid nanoflowers on 3d hierarchically porous nanofibrous membrane for enhanced enzymatic water treatment, journal of hazardous materials, 2020, 381, 120947.

  20. z xia, j fang*, x zhang, l fan, a barlow, t lin, s wang, g wallace, g sun*, x wang*, pt nanoparticles embedded metal-organic framework nanosheets: a synergistic strategy towards bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysis, applied catalysis b: environmental, 2019, 245, 389-398.
